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Call Number
Die Lewende Nuwe Testament 'n Parafrase Christelike Uitgewersmaatskappy 0869840827 E31-A1.2 AFR Z N Cu.01 1978
The New Testament (Sharif Translation) Sharif Bible Society 0976601419 E31-A1.2 ARA ST N Sb.01 2006
Arabic New Testament UBS-EPF E31-A1.2 ARA XYZ N Ue.01 1984
新舊約的聖經全書 香港聖經公會 Amoy Romanized Bible, R.V. Ed. #2110 E31-A1.2 CHD BLG/ARB BC Hk.01 1960
新約聖經:閩南語羅馬注音/現代中文譯本 中華民國聖經公會 閩南語羅馬注音 (Ban-Lam-Gu Lo-Ma Chu-Im)--Today's Chinese Vresion E31-A1.2 CHD BLG/TCV N Ch.01 1979
客語聖經:新舊約全書/漢羅對照 台灣聖經公會 現代台灣客語譯本 (Hien-Thoi Thoi-Van Hakngi Yit-pun) 9789866674334 E31-A1.2 CHD HKT BPa Tw.01 2012
Holy Bible: Mongolian New Translation E31-A1.2 CHD MNT B Mo.01 2003
鄒語新約聖經 台灣聖經公會 現代中文譯本鄒語 (Patotiska Boacou Seiso) 98:30 E31-A1.2 CHD PBS N Tw.01 2014
聖經:台語漢字版 台灣聖經公會 Taiwanese Han Character Edition 96:20 E31-A1.2 CHD THC B Tw.01 1996
聖經:台語漢字版--精裝本 台灣聖經公會 Taiwanese Han Character Edition 96:20 E31-A1.2 CHD THC B Tw.02 1996
現代台灣太魯閣語聖經 台灣聖經公會 現代台灣太魯閣聖經 (Today's Taiwan Truku Version) 99:07 E31-A1.2 CHD TTT B Tw.01 2005
新約聖經:中文標準譯本 (簡) 霍爾曼聖經出版社 中文標準譯本 (Chinese Standard Bible) E31-A1.2 CHS CSB N Hb.01 2008
新約聖經:雙排版--中文標準譯本/現代標點和合本 (簡) 霍爾曼聖經出版社 中文標準譯本 (Chinese Standard Bible)--現代標點和合本 98:21 E31-A1.2 CHS CSB/CUM N Hb.01 2008
聖經:串珠‧附簡介 (簡) 和合本 (Chinese Union Version--Simplified) E31-A1.2 CHS CUV BC Na.01
聖經:普及版 (簡) 和合本 (Chinese Union Version--Simplified) E31-A1.2 CHS CUV BP Na.01
聖經:研用本 (簡) 和合本 (Chinese Union Version--Simplified) E31-A1.2 CHS CUV BS Na.01
簡明聖經:創世記、出埃及記1-20章、新約全書 (簡) 凸桑中文聖經協會 簡明本 (Dynamic Chinese Translation) 98:30 E31-A1.2 CHS DCT NGE Tc.01 2008
新約聖經:恢復本 (簡) 水流職事站 恢復本 (Stream Recovery Version) 0736307729 E31-A1.2 CHS SRV N Ls.01 1985
當代聖經 亞洲歸主協會中國聖經出版社 E31-A1.2 CHS XYZ B Ao.01 1979
聖經:新約全--新漢語譯本 (註釋版) 漢語聖經協會有限公司 新漢語譯本 (Contemporary Chinese Version) / Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (OT), The Greek New Testament (NT) 98:30 E31-A1.2 CHT CCV NS Cb.01 2010
今日聖經:中文意譯本新舊約全書 意譯本聖經會 意譯本 (Chinese Living Bible) E31-A1.2 CHT CLB B Lb.01 1979
當代福音:新約全書 當代聖經出版社 當代譯本 (Chinese Living Bible) E31-A1.2 CHT CLB N Dd.01 1990
今日聖經:中文意譯本新約全書 意譯本聖經會 意譯本 (Chinese Living Bible) E31-A1.2 CHT CLB N Lb.01 1976
聖經:新標點和合本--神版 中華民國聖經公會 新標點和合本 (Chinese Union Version with New Punctuation) 9812200347 E31-A1.2 CHT CUN B Ch.01 1996
聖經:新標點和合本--神版串珠版 中華民國聖經公會 新標點和合本 (Chinese Union Version with New Punctuation) 9812200630 E31-A1.2 CHT CUN BC Ch.01 1997
聖經:新標點和合本--上帝版 中華民國聖經公會 新標點和合本 (Chinese Union Version with New Punctuation) 9622934501 E31-A1.2 CHT CUN BD Ch.01 1996
舊約聖經:新標點和合本--神版串珠註釋本 中國神學研究院 新標點和合本 (Chinese Union Version with New Punctuation) 962202369X E31-A1.2 CHT CUN OS Cg.01 1986
聖經:新舊約全書--和合本--神版 聖經基金會 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) E31-A1.3 CHT CUV B Bf.01 1987
聖經:和合本--神版祈禱應許版 漢語聖經協會有限公司 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) 9625131574 E31-A1.3 CHT CUV B Cb.01 2004
聖經:和合本--神版 中華民國聖經公會 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) 9830300919 E31-A1.3 CHT CUV B Ch.01 2000
聖經:和合本--神版 中華民國聖經公會 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) 9830300943 E31-A1.3 CHT CUV B Ch.02 2000
聖經:和合本--神版--AD2000 中華民國聖經公會 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) 9830300978 E31-A1.3 CHT CUV B Ch.03 2000
聖經:分析排版本 聖經信息協會有限公司 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) 9628765000 E31-A1.3 CHT CUV BA Be.01 2003
聖經:新舊約全書串珠--神版 香港聖經公會 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) E31-A1.3 CHT CUV BC Hk.01 1984
聖經:和合本--上帝版 中華民國聖經公會 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) E31-A1.3 CHT CUV BD Ch.01 1961
聖經:新舊約全書串珠--上帝版 香港聖經公會 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) E31-A1.3 CHT CUV BDC Hk.01 1985
聖經:和合本--上帝版--紅字版 中華民國聖經公會 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) 9830300390 E31-A1.3 CHT CUV BDR Ch.01 1991
聖經:和合本--神版大字版 台灣聖經公會 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) 98:29 E31-A1.3 CHT CUV BL Tw.01 2010
聖經:和合本--神版附注音符號 聖經公會 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) E31-A1.3 CHT CUV BP Bs.01 1984
聖經:新約全書--和合本--神版 聖經基金會 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) E31-A1.3 CHT CUV N Bf.01 1988
新約全書:和合本--上帝版 聯合聖經公會 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) 9622930387 E31-A1.3 CHT CUV ND Hk.01 1996
新約聖經附詩篇注意符號--上帝版 中華民國聖經公會 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) E31-A1.3 CHT CUV NDP Ch.01 1987
新約全書[附]詩篇--神版 香港聖經公會 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) E31-A1.3 CHT CUV NP Hk.01 1982
新約全書附標詩篇注音符號--神版 香港聖經會 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) E31-A1.3 CHT CUV NP Hk.02 1953
新約全書附詩篇 香港浸信會出版社 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) E31-A1.3 CHT CUV NP Hk.03
中希英逐字對新約聖經 浸宣出版社 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) 96:19 E31-A1.3 CHT CUV NPa 1999
新約聖經附詩篇箴言--神版 國際基甸會 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) E31-A1.3 CHT CUV NPP Gj.01 1982
新約全書附詩箴--上帝版 聯合聖經公會 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) 9622931073 E31-A1.3 CHT CUV NPP Hk.01 2002
新約聖經附詩篇箴言--祈禱應許版 漢語聖經協會有限公司 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) 9625132244 E31-A1.3 CHT CUV NPP Hy.01
新約聖經:新國際版研讀本 更新傳道會 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) 1565820002 E31-A1.3 CHT CUV NS Cr.01 1991
新約全書:中西字 China Bible House 和合本 (Chinese Union Version)--New Standard Revision E31-A1.3 CHT CUV/ASR N Cb.01 1939
原文編號新約全書 The Bible Reference Publishers, Inc. 和合本 (Chinese Union Version)--King James Version 962715427X E31-A1.3 CHT CUV/KJV NSt Br.01 1987
新約聖經:中英文對照 The Gideons International in the Repulbic of China 和合本 (Chinese Union Version)--New International Version E31-A1.3 CHT CUV/NIV N Gi.01 1978
新約全書:中英文對照 香港聖經公會 和合本 (Chinese Union Version)--Revised Standard Version E31-A1.3 CHT CUV/RSV N Hk.01 1999
新譯新約全集修訂本 日本聖書研究會 新中文 (New Chinese Bible / New English Bible) E31-A1.4 CHT NCB N Rb.01 1986
新約全書 新譯本 (The New Chinese Bible) E31-A1.4 CHT NCB NT CW.12 1976
聖經新譯: 奉獻典禮紀念版 天道書樓出版 新譯本 (The New Chinese Version) 962208222X E31-A1.4 CHT NCV B Td.01 1992
聖經新譯本:神版 環球聖經公會有限公司 新譯本 (The New Chinese Version) 98:30 E31-A1.4 CHT NCV B Wb.01 2005
新約全書:新譯本 中文聖經新譯委員會 新譯本 (The New Chinese Version) E31-A1.4 CHT NCV N Cw.01 1976
新約全書:新譯本--研經版 中文聖經新譯委員會 新譯本 (The New Chinese Version) E31-A1.4 CHT NCV NS Cw.01 1977
新譯和合聖經:神字 環球聖經公會有限公司 新譯本 (The New Chinese Version)--Chinese Union Version 96:29 E31-A1.4 CHT NCV/CUV BPa Wb.01 2004
新約聖經:新譯和合雙排版--繁體--神字 環球聖經公會有限公司 新譯本 (The New Chinese Version)--Chinese Union Version 98:30 E31-A1.4 CHT NCV/CUV NPa Wb.01 2002
官話舊約聖書:修訂版 聖書公會 (British and Foreign Bible Scoiety) 北京官話修訂本 E31-A1.4 CHT RBJ O Bf.01 1913
新約全書:和合本修訂版--上帝版 香港聖經公會 和合本修訂版 (Revisied Chinese Union Version) 9622938655 E31-A1.4 CHT RCU ND Hk.01 2006
重譯新約全書:串珠註解--原文釋詞 拾珍基金會 重譯本 (Retranslation Chinese Version) E31-A1.4 CHT RCV NR Ft.01 1993
新遺詔書:第一本至第五本(1823年) 香港聖經公會 馬禮遜深文理譯本(Robert Morrison's Wenli High Version)--馬禮遜牧師來華190周年紀念版 9622935362 E31-A1.4 CHT RMW NP Hk.01 1997 c.1
新遺詔書:第一本至第五本(1823年) 香港聖經公會 馬禮遜深文理譯本(Robert Morrison's Wenli High Version)--馬禮遜牧師來華190周年紀念版 9622935362 E31-A1.4 CHT RMW NP Hk.01 1997 c.2
新遺詔書:第一本至第五本(1823年) 香港聖經公會 馬禮遜深文理譯本(Robert Morrison's Wenli High Version)--馬禮遜牧師來華190周年紀念版 9622935362 E31-A1.4 CHT RMW NP Hk.01 1997 c.3
新約聖經:恢復本 財團法人臺灣福音書房 恢復本 (Stream Recovery Version) E31-A1.4 CHT SRV NR Fy.01 1988
新約聖經:恢復本 水流職事站 恢復本 (Stream Recovery Version) 0736305327 E31-A1.4 CHT SRV NR Ls.01 1999
舊約聖經:恢復本 財團法人臺灣福音書房 恢復本 (Stream Recovery Version) 9861660135 E31-A1.4 CHT SRV OR Fy.01 2005
聖經:現代中文譯本 聯合聖經公會 現代中文譯本 (Today's Chinese Version) E31-A1.4 CHT TCV B Ub.01 1979
新約全書:現代中文譯本--給現代人的福音 聯合聖經公會 現代中文譯本 (Today's Chinese Version) E31-A1.4 CHT TCV N Ub.01 1979
聖經:現代中文譯本(修訂版) 聯合聖經公會 現代中文譯本 (Today's Chinese Version)--Today's English Version 9830300439 E31-A1.4 CHT TCV/TEV BR Ub.01 1995
新約全書:現代中/英文譯本 中華民國聖經公會 現代中文譯本 (Today's Chinese Version)--Today's English Version E31-A1.4 CHT TCV/TEV N Ch.01 1975
新約:現代中文譯本(修訂版) 聯合聖經公會 現代中文譯本 (Today's Chinese Version)--Today's English Version 9622935354 E31-A1.4 CHT TCV/TEV NR Ub.01 1995
新約聖經—新國際版研讀本 更新傳道會 新國際版(和合本) E31-A1.4 CHT TCV/TEV NT KS.12 1991
新約聖經—新國際版研讀本 更新傳道會 新國際版(和合本) E31-A1.4 CHT TCV/TEV NT KS.13 1991
新約聖經—新國際版研讀本 更新傳道會 新國際版(和合本) E31-A1.4 CHT TCV/TEV NT KS.14 1991
新約釋義全書 三一文化事業公司出版 E31-A1.4 CHT TCV/TEV NT SY.1
舊約全書:創世記至以斯帖記 China Bible House 和合本 (Chinese Union Version) E31-A1.4 CHT TCV/TEV OB CB.11
新舊約全書:NASB 中英聖經 書念人書房 和合本 (Chinese Union Version)--New American Standard Bible 98:22 E31-A1.4 CHT/ENG CUV/NASV B Sn.01 2008
聖經:中英對照 Chinese Bible International Limited 和合本 (Chinese Union Version)--New International Version E31-A1.4 CHT/ENG CUV/NIV B Cb.01 2003
聖經:思高譯本 思高聖經學會 (Studium Biblicum O.F.M.) 思高譯本 (Studium Biblicum Bible) 957998395X E31-A1.4 CHTz SBB B Sb.01 1996
聖經:新世界譯本 (簡) New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures E31-A1.4 CHZs WAT Z Nw.01 2007
摩門經 Missionary Department E31-A1.4 CHZt MMJ Z Md.01
聖經:思高譯本 思高聖經學會 (Studium Biblicum O.F.M.) 思高譯本 (Studium Biblicum Bible) 957998395X E31-A1.4 CHZt SBB B Sb.01 1996
天國喜訊:聖經選集 思高聖經學會 (Studium Biblicum O.F.M.) 思高譯本 (Studium Biblicum Bible) E31-A1.4 CHZt SBB Bs Sb.01 1962
The Bible: An American Translation The University of Chicago Press An American Translation E31-A1.5 ENG AAT B Uc.01 1935
The Bible: An American Translation The University of Chicago Press An American Translation E31-A1.5 ENG AAT B Uc.02 1931
The Complete Bible: An American Translation with the Apocrypha The University of Chicago Press An American Translation E31-A1.5 ENG AAT BAp Uc.01 1939
The Short Bible An American Translation with the Apocrypha The University of Chicago Press An American Translation E31-A1.5 ENG AAT BAp Uc.02 1933
The Junior Bible: An American Translation The Macmillan Company An American Translation E31-A1.5 ENG AAT BJ Mc.01 1936
The New Testament: An American Translation The University of Chicago Press An American Translation E31-A1.5 ENG AAT N Uc.01 1923
The New Testament: An American Translation The University of Chicago Press An American Translation E31-A1.5 ENG AAT N Uc.02 1923
The Amplified Bible Zondervan Bible Reaerchers Amplified Translation E31-A1.5 ENG AMP B Zb.01 1965
The Amplified Bible Zondervan Bible Reaerchers Amplified Translation E31-A1.5 ENG AMP B Zb.02 1965
The Amplified Old Testament: Part One--Genesis - Esther Zondervan Publishing House Amplified Translation E31-A1.5 ENG AMP O Zp.01 1964 v.1
The Amplified Old Testament: Part Two--Job - Malachi Zondervan Publishing House Amplified Translation E31-A1.5 ENG AMP O Zp.01 1962 v.2
The Bible:A New Translation Harper & Brothers Publishers New Translation Version E31-A1.5 ENG ANT B Hb.01 1922
The New Oxford Annotated Apocrypha: The Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books of the Old Testament Oxford University Press New Revised Standard Version E31-A1.5 ENG Apo Z Ou.01 1991
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Gospel Advocate Company American Standard Edition E31-A1.5 ENG ASV N Ga.01 1901
The New Testament in Basic English E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc Bible in Basic English E31-A1.5 ENG BBE N Ep.01 1941
Holy Bible: Contemporary English Version American Bible Society Contemporary English version E31-A1.5 ENG CEV B Ab.01 1995
The New Testament with Psalms & Proverbs: Contemporary English Version American Bible Society Contemporary English version 1573340502 E31-A1.5 ENG CEV N Ab.01 1995
Complete Jewish Bible: An English Version of the Tanakh (OT) and B'rit Hadashah (NT) Jewish New Testament Publications, Inc. Complete Jewish Bible 9653590189 E31-A1.5 ENG CJB B Jn.01 1998
Centenary Translation of The New Testament The American Baptist Publication Society Centenary Translation E31-A1.5 ENG CTV N Ab.01 1924
The Holy Bible translated from the Latin Vulgate …, this Edition Contains Annotations, References, ... The Douay Bible House Douay Rheims Version--Light the World Edition E31-A1.5 ENG DRV BAR Db.01 1953
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ C. Wildermann Co., Inc Douay Rheims Version E31-A1.5 ENG DRV N Cw.01 1935
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ … with Annotations, References … Burns and Oates Douay Rheims Version E31-A1.5 ENG DRV NAR Bo.01 1898
The Holy Bible: English Standard Bible Crossway English Standard Version E31-A1.6 ENG ESV B C9.01 2001
The New Testament: An Expanded Translation William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company Expanded Edition [?] 0802808824 E31-A1.6 ENG EXP N Wb.01 1961 c.1
The New Testament: An Expanded Translation William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company Expanded Edition [?] 0802808825 E31-A1.6 ENG EXP N Wb.01 1961 c.2
The Numerical Bible: Being a Revised Translation the the Holy Scriptures--The Gospels Loizeaux Brothers Grant's Numerical Bible E31-A1.6 ENG GNB NV Lb.01 1904
The Apologetcs Study Bible Holman Bible Publishers Holman Christian Standard Bible 9781586404468 E31-A1.6 ENG HCSB BA Hb.01 2007
The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments American Bible Society King James Version E31-A1.6 ENG KJV B Ab.01 1611
The Bible: Authorized Version The Bible Societies King James Version 0564011916 E31-A1.6 ENG KJV B Bs.01 1973
Holy Bible: Old and New Testaments in King James Version (Red Letter Edition) The World Publishing Company King James Version E31-A1.6 ENG KJV B Ch.01
The Holy Bible: King James Version The Gideons International King James Version E31-A1.6 ENG KJV B Gi.01 1978
The Rex Humbard Prophecy Bible Rex Humbard Foundation King James Version E31-A1.6 ENG KJV B Rh.01 1979
The Transformer: The Bible for Young Adults (King James Version) Thomas Nelson Publishers King James Version 0840728859 E31-A1.6 ENG KJV B Tn.01 1985
Seniors' Devotional Bible: King James Version with Life-Affirming Daily Devotions Zondervan Publishing House King James Version 025986921132 E31-A1.6 ENG KJV B Zp.01 1996
The Dartmouth Bible: An Arbidgment of the King James Version, with Aids to its understanding … Hough Mifflin Company King James Version E31-A1.6 ENG KJV BAp Hm.01 1950
The Reader's Bible: Designed for General Reading Oxford University Press King James Version E31-A1.6 ENG KJV BAp Ou.01 1951
The Holy Bible: Old and New Testament in the KJV (Giant Print--Red Letter--Reference Edition) A Regency Bible from Thomas Nelson Publisher King James Version E31-A1.6 ENG KJV BC Rb.01 1976
Holy Bible (Red Letter Edition--Pictorial Dictionary--The Last Supper Edition) De Vore & Sons, Inc. King James Version E31-A1.6 ENG KJV BD Dv.01
The Holy Bible in Freemasonry with Mansonic Helps for Student of Masonry Oxford University Press Authorized Version = KJV E31-A1.6 ENG KJV BH Ou.01 1928
The Bible for To-Day Oxford University Press Authorized Version = KJV E31-A1.6 ENG KJV BI Ou.01 1941
The Bible: Designed to be Read as Literature The Folio Society, MCMLVII King James Version E31-A1.6 ENG KJV BL Es.01 v.1
The Bible: Designed to be Read as Literature The Folio Society, MCMLVII King James Version E31-A1.6 ENG KJV BL Es.01 v.2
The King James Version of the Holy Bible: Genesis to Deuteronomy--Volume 1 The Limited Editions Club King James Version E31-A2.2 ENG KJV BP Ny.01 1935 v.1
The King James Version of the Holy Bible: Joshua to Esther--Volume 2 The Limited Editions Club King James Version E31-A2.2 ENG KJV BP Ny.01 1935 v.2
The King James Version of the Holy Bible: Job to Malachi--Volume 3 The Limited Editions Club King James Version E31-A2.2 ENG KJV BP Ny.01 1935 v.3
The King James Version of the Holy Bible: The Apocrypha--Volume 4 The Limited Editions Club King James Version E31-A2.2 ENG KJV BP Ny.01 1936 v.4
The King James Version of the Holy Bible: The Apocrypha--Volume 5 The Limited Editions Club King James Version E31-A2.2 ENG KJV BP Ny.01 1936 v.5
The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible: King James Version / Red Letter Edition World Bible Publishers, Inc King James Version 0899576567 ENG KJV BPa Wp.01 1991
The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible: King James Version / Red Letter Edition World Bible Publishers, Inc King James Version 0899576567 E31-A2.2 ENG KJV BPa Wp.01 1991
The New Chain Reference Bible: Third Improved Edition--Containing Thompson's Original and Complete System of Bible Study, …. B. B. Kirkbride Bible Co King James Version E31-A2.2 ENG KJV BR Bb.01 1917
The Holy Bible: The Scofield Reference Edition (New and Improved Edition) Oxford University Press King James Version E31-A2.2 ENG KJV BR Ou.01 1917
Holy bible: The New Scofield Reference Bible (King James Version) Oxford University Press King James Version E31-A2.2 ENG KJV BR Ou.02 1967
Nave's Study Bible: Revised and Expanded Edition (King James Version) Baker Book House King James Version E31-A2.2 ENG KJV BS Bb.01 1978
Holy Bible: The Open bible Edition with Personal Study Guide by William Steuart McBirnie Community Churches of America King James Version E31-A2.2 ENG KJV BS Cc.01 1975
The Holy Bible: Red Letter Edition--Study Helps Dugan Publishers, Inc King James Version E31-A2.2 ENG KJV BS Dp.01 1984
The Holy Bible: Contianing the Old and new Testaments (KJV--Peace Of Mind Edition) Good Counsel Publishing Company King James Version E31-A2.2 ENG KJV BS Gc.01 1956
Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments … with Notes Especially Adapted for Young Christian (Pilgrim Edition) Oxford University Press King James Version E31-A2.2 ENG KJV BS Ou.01 1948
The Criswell Study Bible Thosmas Nelson, Publishers King James Version E31-A2.2 ENG KJV BS Tn.01 1979
The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments (Standard Edition) Thomas Nelson & Sons King James Version E31-A2.2 ENG KJV BS Tn.02 1970
The Westminster Study Edition of the Holy Bible: Arraged in Paragraphs and in Verses… The Westminster Press King James Version E31-A2.2 ENG KJV BS Wp.01
The Companion Bible, Part III. Psalms To The Song of Solomon with 14 Appendixes Oxford University Press Authorized Version = KJV E31-A2.2 ENG KJV BV Ou.01 v.3
New Testament with Psalms and Property The Gideons International King James Version E31-A2.3 ENG KJV N Gi.01 1963
The Ryrie Study Bible: The New Testament Moddy Press King James Version 0802474322 E31-A2.3 ENG KJV N Mp.01 1977
The Weston Study Bible: King James Version--The Gospels and Acts with Biblical Teachings Weston Bible Ministries King James Version E31-A2.3 ENG KJV NP Wb.01 1990
The Reference Passage Bible: New Testament with Old Testament References Logos International Authorized Text =KJV ? 0827012750 E31-A2.3 ENG KJV NR Li.01 1978
The Complete Word Study New Testament AMG Publishers King James Version 0899576516 E31-A2.3 ENG KJV NSt Ap.01 1992
The New Testament from 26 Translations Zondervan Publishing House King James Version E31-A2.3 ENG KJV NT Zp.01 1967
The Old Testament Books of Poetry from 26 Translations Zondervan Bible Publishers King James Version E31-A2.3 ENG KJV OT Zb.01 1973
The GuidePosts Parallel Bible: King James Version, Modern Language Bible, Living Bible, Revised Standard Version The Layman's Parallel Bible King James Version--The Modern Language Bible--The Living Bible--The Revised Standard Version E31-A2.3 ENG KJV/MLB/TLB/RSV BPa Lp.01 1973
The New Testament in Four Versions: King James, Revisied Standard, Phillips Modern English, New English Bible Christianity Today, Inc King James Version--Revised Standard--Phillips Modern Englsih--New English Bible Version E31-A2.3 ENG KJV/RSV/PME/NEB NPa Ct.01 1960
The Holy Bible from Ancient Eastern Manuscripts: The Authorized Bible of the Church of the East A. J. Holman Company Lamsa Bible from Ancient Eastern Manuscripts E31-A2.3 ENG LAEM B Aj.01 1957
Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text: George M. Lamsa's Translations from the Aramaic of the Peshitta Harper & Row, Publishers Lamsa Bible from Ancient Eastern Manuscripts 0060649232 E31-A2.3 ENG LAEM B Hr.01 1985
The Gospels Translated into Modern English The Macmillan Company Modern English Bible E31-A2.3 ENG MEB G Mc.01 1957
The New Testament in Modern English Macmillan Publishing Company Modern English Bible E31-A2.3 ENG MEB N Mc.01 1958
The Holy Bible: The Berkeley Version in Modern English with Notes Zondervan Publishing House Modern English Bible--The Berkeley Version E31-A2.3 ENG MEBb BN Zp.01 1959
The Bible In Modern English:Section the 2th (7th Edition) S. W. Patridge & Co., LTD., Gosvenor Gardens, Victoria. Oxford University Press, American Branch Modern English Bible E31-A2.3 ENG MEBf BV Ou.01 v.2
The Bible In Modern English:Section the 3th S. W. Patridge & Co., LTD., Gosvenor Gardens, Victoria. Oxford University Press, American Branch Modern English Bible E31-A2.3 ENG MEBf BV Ou.01 v.3
The Bible In Modern English:Section the 4th S. W. Patridge & Co., LTD., Gosvenor Gardens, Victoria. Oxford University Press, American Branch Modern English Bible E31-A2.3 ENG MEBf BV Ou.01 v.4
The Twentieth Century New Testament: A Translation into Modern English The Fleming H. Revell Company Modern English Bible E31-A2.3 ENG MEBt N Fh.01 1902
The Message: The Bible in contemporary Language NavPress Revised New English Bible 1576835197 E31-A2.3 ENG MSG B Np.01 2004
New American Standard Bible International Bible Society New American Standard Bible E31-A2.3 ENG NASB B Ib.01 1960
New American Standard Bible: Reference Edition Foundation Press Publications New American Standard Bible E31-A2.3 ENG NASB BR Fp.01 1960
Holy Bible: New American Standard Bible--Red Letter Edition (Paragraphed) Holman Bible Publishers New American Standard Bible 087981666X E31-A2.3 ENG NASB BRe Hb.01 1960
The International Inductive Study bible Harvest House Publisher New American Standard Bible 1565070917 E31-A2.3 ENG NASB BS Hh.01 1992
The Ryrie Study Bible Moody Press New American Standard Bible 0802474268 E31-A2.3 ENG NASB BS Mp.01 1976
New American Standard Bible: New Testament--Reference Edition Creation House, Inc. New American Standard Bible E31-A2.3 ENG NASB NR Ch.01 1960
New American Standard Bible: Reference Edition (Updated Edition--Wide Margin--Side Column Reference) Foundation Press Publications New American Standard Bible 091061847X E31-A2.3 ENG NASB NR Fp.01 1996
New American Standard Bible: Reference Edition Foundation Press Publications New American Standard Bible E31-A2.3 ENG NASB NR Fp.02 1960
Holy Bible: International Children's Bible Word Publishing New Century Version 0849908981 E31-A2.4 ENG NCV B Wp.01 1983
Holy Bible: International Children's Bible Word Publishing New Century Version 834401347 E31-A2.4 ENG NCV B Wp.02 1986
The New Englsih Bible Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press The New English Bible E31-A2.4 ENG NEB B Ou.01 1961
The New Englsih Bible Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press The New English Bible E31-A2.4 ENG NEB B Ou.02 1961
The New English Bible with the Apocrypha Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press The New English Bible E31-A2.4 ENG NEB BAp Ou.01 1961
The New English Bible with the Apocrypha Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press The New English Bible E31-A2.4 ENG NEB BAp Ou.02 1961
The New English Bible: New Testament Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press The New English Bible 1961 E31-A2.4 ENG NEB N Ou.01 1961
The New English Bible: New Testament Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press The New English Bible 1961 E31-A2.4 ENG NEB N Ou.02 1961
The New Englsih Bible:Old Testament Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press The New English Bible E31-A2.4 ENG NEB O Ou.01 1970 c.1
The New Englsih Bible:Old Testament Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press The New English Bible E31-A2.4 ENG NEB O Ou.01 1970 c.2
The One Year Bible: Arranged in 365 Daily Reading (NIV--Compact Edition) Zondervan Bible Publishers New International Version 1414306145 E31-A2.4 ENG NIV B Th.01 1985
The One Year Bible: Arranged in 365 Daily Reading (The New Tnternational Version) Tyndale House Publishers, Inc, New International Version 0842324518 E31-A2.4 ENG NIV B Th.02 1987
The Holy Bible: New Internation Version Zondervan Bible Publishers New International Version E31-A2.4 ENG NIV B Zb.01 1978
The Holy Bible: New Internation Version Zondervan Bible Publishers New International Version E31-A2.4 ENG NIV B Zb.02 1978
The Holy Bible: New Internation Version Zondervan Bible Publishers New International Version 0310902630 E31-A2.4 ENG NIV B Zb.03 1973
The Holy Bible: New Internation Version (Single Column--Red Letter) Zondervan Bible Publishers New International Version E31-A2.4 ENG NIV BC Zb.01 1973
Daylight Devotional Bible: New International Version Zondervan Corporation New International Version 9780310912705 E31-A2.4 ENG NIV BD Zc.01 1988
The Student Bible (With Notes--New International Version) Zondervan Bible Publishers New International Version E31-A2.5 ENG NIV BN Zb.01 1986
The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible: New International Bible Zondervan Bible Publishers New International Version E31-A2.5 ENG NIV BR Zb.01 1983
The NIV Study Bible (Red Letter) Zondervan Publishing House New International Version 98:20 E31-A2.5 ENG NIV BSRe Zp.01 1995
Concordia Self-Study Bible Zondervan Publishing House New International Version E31-A2.5 ENG NIV BSRe Zp.01 1973
Serendipity New Testmanet for Groups (2nd edtion--NIV) Serendipity House New International Version E31-A2.5 ENG NIV NS Sh.01 1987
The Holy Bible: Precious Moments Bible (Words of christ in Red) Thomas Nelson Publishers New King James Version E31-A2.5 ENG NKJV B Tn.01 1985
Holy Bible: The New King James Version (Words of Christ in Red--Dictionary/Concordance) Thomas Nelson Publishers New King James Version E31-A2.5 ENG NKJV BC Tn.01 1982
Possiblity Thinkers Bible: The New King James Version Thomas Nelson Publishers New King James Version E31-A2.5 ENG NKJV BN Tn.01 1984
Holy Bible: Vine's Expository (Reference Edition) Thomas Nelson Publishers New King James Version E31-A2.5 ENG NKJV BR Tn.01 1997
The Blackaby Study Bible Nelson Bibles New King James Version 9780718008499 E31-A2.5 ENG NKJV BS Nb.01 2006
The New King James Bible: New Testament Thomas Nelson Publishers New King James Version E31-A2.5 ENG NKJV N Tn.01 1979
The Life Recovery Bible Tyndale House Publisher, Inc. New Living Translation 084233341X E31-A2.5 ENG NLV BN Th.01 1998
Life Application Study Bible Tyndale House Publisher, Inc. New Living Translation 0842332677 E31-A2.5 ENG NLV BS Th.01 1996
New Believer's Bible: New Testament Tyndale House Publisher, Inc. New Living Translation 9780842353847 E31-A2.5 ENG NLV N Th.01 1996
The Holy Bible Thomas Nelson Publishers New Revised Standard Version E31-A2.5 ENG NRSV B Tn.01 1989
The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version (Large Print) World Bible Publishers, Inc New Revised Standard Version E31-A2.5 ENG NRSV B Wb.01 1989
Holy Bible: Reference Edtion Zondervan Bible Publishers New Revised Standard Version 0310902339 E31-A2.5 ENG NRSV BR Zb.01 1990
Norlie's Simplified New Testament in Plain English for Today's Reader Zondervan Publishing House Norlie's Simplified NT from Greek E31-A2.5 ENG NSNG N Zp.01 1961
The New Testament: Translated by Richmond Lattimore North Point Press New Translation from the Richmond Lattimore E31-A2.5 ENG NTRL N Np.01 1996
Acts and Letters of the Apostles na New Translation from the Richmond Lattimore E31-A2.5 ENG NTRL NV Z9.01 1982
The New Testament in Modern English: Revised Edition (Student Edition) Macmillan Publishing Company Revised Modern English Bible 0025969706 E31-A2.5 ENG RMEB N Mp.01 1957
The Modern Language Bible: The Bekeley Version Revised Edition (New Berkeley Version) Zondervan Publishing House Merdon English Bible--New Berkeley Version E31-A2.5 ENG RMEBb BN Zp.01 1971
The Revised English Bibl with the Apocrypha Oxford university Press Revised New English Bible 091912203 E31-A2.6 ENG RNEB BAp Ou.01 1988
The Bible with Illustrations (Revised Standard Version) The British & Foreign Bible Society Revised Standard Version 0564001015 E31-A2.6 ENG RSV B Bf.01 1967
The Reader's Digest Bible The Reader Digest Association Revised Standard Version 0895771063 E31-A2.6 ENG RSV B Rd.01 1982 c.1
The Reader's Digest Bible The Reader Digest Association Revised Standard Version 0895771063 E31-A2.6 ENG RSV B Rd.01 1982 c.2
The Holy bible: Revised Standard Version Thomas Nelson & Sons Revised Standard Version E31-A2.6 ENG RSV B Tn.01 1952
The Oxford Annotated Bible with The Apocrypha (Revised Standard Version) Oxford University Press Revised Standard Version E31-A2.6 ENG RSV BAp Ou.01 1965
Holman Study Bible: Verse Reference Edition--Concordance (Revised Standard Version) A. J. Holman Company Revised Standard Version E31-A2.6 ENG RSV BC Aj.01 1962
The Oxford Annotated Bible: Revised Standard Version Oxford University Press Revised Standard Version E31-A2.6 ENG RSV BC Ou.01 1965
Harper Study Bible: The Holy Bible (Revised Standard Version--Reference Edition) Zondervan Bible Publishers Revised Standard Version E31-A2.6 ENG RSV BC Zb.01 1965
The Holy bible with Helps: Revised Standard Version Thomas Nelson & Sons Revised Standard Version E31-A2.6 ENG RSV BH Tn.01 1952
The Reader's Digest Bible I: Genesis to Job (Large-Type Edition) The Reader Digest Association Revised Standard Version 0895773686 E31-A2.6 ENG RSV BV Rd.01 1986 v.1
The Reader's Digest Bible II: Psalms to Malachi (Large-Type Edition) The Reader Digest Association Revised Standard Version 0895773694 E31-A2.6 ENG RSV BV Rd.01 1986 v.2
The Reader's Digest Bible III: Matthew to Relevation (Large-Type Edition) The Reader Digest Association Revised Standard Version 0895773708 E31-A2.6 ENG RSV BV Rd.01 1986 v.3
Index to the Reader's Digest Bible Index(Large-Type Edition) The Reader Digest Association Revised Standard Version E31-A2.6 ENG RSV BV Rd.01 1986 v.4
The Revised Standard Version of the Old Testament: Genesis to Nehemiah Thomas Nelson & Sons Revised Standard Version E31-A2.6 ENG RSV BV Tn.01 1952 v.1
The Revised Standard Version of the Old Testament: Esther to Malachi Thomas Nelson & Sons Revised Standard Version E31-A2.6 ENG RSV BV Tn.01 1952 v.2
The Revised Standard Version of the New Testament Thomas Nelson & Sons Revised Standard Version E31-A2.6 ENG RSV BV Tn.01 1952 v.3
The New Covenant: Commonly Called the New Testament … and Psalms Thomas Nelson & Sons Revised Standard Version E31-A2.6 ENG RSV N Tn.01 1946
The Logos Protestant and Roman Catholic New Testament: The Revised Standard and Confraternity Versions in Parallel Texts. Logos International, Plainfield Revised Standard Version E31-A2.6 ENG RSV/CV NPa Li.01 1964
The Century Bible: Romans T. C. & E. C. Jack Revised Version E31-A2.6 ENG RV NV Tc.01
The Holy Bible: Genesis to Ruth (Revised Version) Oxford at the University Press Revised Version E31-A2.6 ENG RV OV Ff.01 1885 v.1
The Holy Bible: Samuel to Esther (Revised Version) Oxford at the University Press Revised Version E31-A2.6 ENG RV OV Ff.01 1885 v.2
The Holy Bible: Job to Song of Songs (Revised Version) Oxford at the University Press Revised Version E31-A2.6 ENG RV OV Ff.01 1885 v.3
The Holy Bible: Isaiah to Malachi (Revised Version) Oxford at the University Press Revised Version E31-A2.6 ENG RV OV Ff.01 1885 v.4
The New Testament: Recovery Version Living Stream Ministry Stream Recovery Version 0870836218 E31-A2.6 ENG SRV NN Ls.01 1985
The Fourteen Epistles of Paul: Recovery Version Living Stream Ministry Stream Recovery Version E31-A2.6 ENG SRV PN Ls.01 1983
Good News Bible: Today's English Version (British Edition) United Bible Societies Today's English Version E31-A3.2 ENG TEV B Ub.01 1976
The Good News Bible: The Bible in Today's English Version Broadman Press Today's English Version 0805410082 E31-A3.2 ENG TEV BH Bp.01 1976
Good News for Modern Man: The New Testament in TEV American Bible Society Today's English Version E31-A3.2 ENG TEV N Ab.01 1971
The Living Bible: Paraphrased--A Thought-for-Thought Translation Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. The Living Bible 0842322876 E31-A3.2 ENG TLB B Th.01 1979
The One Year Bible: The Entire Living Bible Arranged in 365 Daily Readings Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. The Living Bible 0842324283 E31-A3.2 ENG TLB B Th.02 1985
The Living Bible: Paraphrased--Christianity Today Edition Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. The Living Bible 0842322507 E31-A3.2 ENG TLB B Th.03 1971
The Living Bible: Paraphrased (Red Letter Edition) Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. The Living Bible 0842322507 E31-A3.2 ENG TLB B Th.04 1971/1976
The Living Bible: Paraphrased (Large Print Edition) Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. The Living Bible 0842322612 E31-A3.2 ENG TLB B Th.05 1971
The Living Bible: Holman Illustrated Edition--Parapharased A. J. Holman Company The Living Bible 0879810238 E31-A3.2 ENG TLB BL Aj.01 1973
Life Application BibleL New Testament (The Living Bible) Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. The Living Bible 0842325549 E31-A3.2 ENG TLB N Th.01 1987
Living Prophesies: The Minor Prophets Paraphrased with Daniel and the Revealation Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. The Living Bible E31-A3.2 ENG TLB OV Th.01 1965
The New Testament in the Language of Today Concordia Publishing House The Language of Today Beck's Version E31-A3.2 ENG TLTB N Cp.01 1963
The Holy bible: Today's New International Version (Wide Margin Edition) Zondervan Today's New International Version E31-A3.2 ENG TNIV B Z9.01 2001
tNIV New Testament Zondervan Today's New International Version 0310945267 E31-A3.2 ENG TNIV N Z9.01 2001
The Shorter Bible: The Old Testament Charles Scribner's Sons The Shorter Bible E31-A3.2 ENG TSB BV Cs.01 1934 v.1
The Shorter Bible: The New Testament Charles Scribner's Sons The Shorter Bible E31-A3.2 ENG TSB BV Cs.01 1934 v.2
The New Testament in Modern Speech: 4th Edition The Pilgrim Press Weymouth New Testament E31-A3.2 ENG WNT N Pp.01 1924
The New Testament: A private Translation in the Language of the People Moody Press Williams' Private Translation E31-A3.2 ENG WPT N Mp.01 1949
The Holy Bible: Confraternity Version (NACE) Benziger Brothers, Inc Confraternity version--New American Catholic Edition E31-A3.3 ENGc CV B Bb.01 1950
The Old Testament of the Holy Bible: Confraternity Version with Introductions and Commentaries An Angelus Book, Guild Press Confraternity version E31-A3.3 ENGc CV OC Gp.01 1965
Saint Joseph Edition of the New American Bible Catholic Book Publishing Co New American Bible Version E31-A3.3 ENGc NAB B Cb.01 1970
The New American Bible The Catholic Press New American Bible Version 0832612065 E31-A3.3 ENGc NAB B Cp.01 1970
Saint Joseph Giant Type of the New American Bible: Revised Edition Catholic Book Publishing Co New American Bible Version E31-A3.3 ENGc NAB N Cb.01 1986
The New Jerusalem Bible Doubleday & Company, Inc. New Jerusalem Bible 0385142641 E31-A3.3 ENGc NJB BN Dc.01 1985
The New Testament of the New Jerusalem Bible with Complete Introductions and Notes Image Books New Jerusalem Bible 0385237065 E31-A3.3 ENGc NJB NT Ib.01 1986
The New Testament: Newly Translated from Vulgate Latin… Burns Oates and Washbourne LTD New Translation from the Vulgate Latin E31-A3.3 ENGc NTVL N Bo.01 1948
The Old Testament: New Translated from Vulgate Latin...--Genesis To Esther Sheed & Ward, Inc New Translation from the Vulgate Latin E31-A3.3 ENGc NTVL OV Sw.01 1948 v.1
The Jerusalem Bible: Reader's Edition Doubleday & Company, Inc.Garden City The Jerusalem Bible 038501188X E31-A3.3 ENGc TJB B Dc.01 1966 c.1
The Jerusalem Bible: Reader's Edition Doubleday & Company, Inc.Garden City The Jerusalem Bible 038501188X E31-A3.3 ENGc TJB B Dc.01 1966 c.2
The Holy Scriptures: A Jewish Family Bible According to the Masoretic Text The Menorah Press The Masoretic Text E31-A3.3 ENGj MT BR Mp.01 1957
The Holy Scriptures: According to the Masoretic Text The Jewish Publication society of America A New Translation a.t. the Masoretic Text E31-A3.3 ENGj NTMT B Jp.01 1951
Santa Biblia: Revision 1977 International Bible Society La Biblia 8472284532 E31-A3.4 ESP SLB B Ib.01 1977
La Sainta Biblia Antiguo Nuevo Testamento Sociedades Biblicas En America Latina La Biblia E31-A3.4 ESP SLB BR Sb.01 1996
Santa Biblia: Bilingual Edition--King James Version Holman Bible Publishers La Biblia--KJV 1558190317 E31-A3.4 ESP/ENG SKJV B Hb.01 1960
El Neuvo Testamento: Bilingual Edition--King James Version The Gideon International La Biblia--KJV E31-A3.4 ESP/ENG SKJV N Gi.01 1976
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia 3438052199 E31-A3.4 ESP/HEB SBHS O Db.01 1983
The New Testament in Ge'ez British and Foreign Bible Society Ge'ez New Testament 056402662X E31-A3.4 ETH GNT N Bf.01 1979
La Sainte Bible: Nouvelle Version Segond Revisee (Deuxieme edition) Alliance biblique Universelle Novuvelle Version Segond Revisee 2853001601 E31-A3.4 FRA FNSR BR Ab.01 1981
La Sainte Bible qui Comprend L'ancien Et Le Nouveau Testament: Version Dostervald na Segond Revisee E31-A3.4 FRA FSR B Ia.01 1910
La Bible: Traduction Ecumenique De La Bible Allince Biblique Universelle Traduction œcuménique de la Bible 0888342268 E31-A3.4 FRAc FTOB BAp Ab.01 1970
Die Bibel in Heutigem Deutsch Deutsche Biblelgesellschaft 2., Durchgesehene Aufl. 3438018527 E31-A3.4 GER G2D B Db.01 1991
Die Bibel oder die ganze Heilige Schrift Alten uno Neuen Testaments Concordia Publishing House Luther Bible E31-A3.4 GER GLB B Cp.01
Die Bibel oder ganze Heilige Schrift … Deutsche Biblelgesellschaft Luther Bible 3438012243 E31-A3.4 GER GLB B Db.01 1978
Die Bibel oder Die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten uno Neuen Testaments … Privileg.Wurtt.Bibelanstalt Luther Bible E31-A3.4 GER GLB B Pw.01 1954
H KAINH Diaohkh with Revised Critical apparatus (2nd Edition) The British And Foreign Bible Society Ancient Greek with Critical Apparatus E31-A3.5 GRE AG NC Bf.01 1958
The Greek New Testament (Dictionary--3rd Edition) United Bible Societies Ancient Greek with Dictionary 3438051109 E31-A3.5 GRE AG ND Ub.01 1966
The New Testament in the Original Greek The Macmillan Company Ancient Greek with Lexicon E31-A3.5 GRE AG NL Mc.01 1948
H KAINH Diaohkh: Novum Testamentum, cum Versione Latina J. B. Lippincott & Co Ancient Greek E31-A3.5 GRE AG/LAT NPa Jb.01 1859
Greek New Testament (Edited with Critical Apparatus) American Bible Society Modern Greek E31-A3.5 GRE MG N Ab.01 1936
Ta iepa Grammata: metaphrasthenta ek ton theion archetypon Biblikēs hEtaireis Modern Greek E31-A3.5 GRE MG N Be.01 1958
The Septuagint with Apocrypha: Greek and English Hendrikcson Publishers Septuagint 0913573442 E31-A3.5 GRE SEP/ENG OAp Hp.01 1986
The Englishman's Greek New Testament Zondervan Publishing House Greek--KJV E31-A3.5 GRE/ENG MG/KJV NPa Zp.01 1970
Greek-English New Testament (Nestle-Aland) Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Greek--RSV 3438054086 E31-A3.5 GRE/ENG MG/RSV NPa Db.01 1898/1979
An Analysis of The Greek New Testament Biblical Institute Press Greek--RSV E31-A3.5 GRE/ENG MG/RSV NVA Bi.01 1974 v.1
Novum Testamentum Graece: Textvi a Retractatoribvs Anglis Adhibito Brevem Adnotationem Criticam Svbiecit E Typographed Clarendoniano Ancient Greek--Editio altera, penitus reformata. E31-A3.5 GRE/GER AG NN Et.01 1947
Novum Testamentum Graece, cum apparatu critico Privileg.Wurtt. Bibelanstalt Stuttgart Greek--German E31-A3.5 GRE/GER MG NI Pw.01 1898 c.1
Novum Testamentum Graece, cum apparatu critico Privileg.Wurtt. Bibelanstalt Stuttgart Greek--German E31-A3.5 GRE/GER MG NI Pw.01 1927 c.2
Hebrew Bible The British & Foreign Bible Society Hebrew E31-A3.5 HEB H B Bf.01 1962
Hebrew Old Testament The British And Foreign Bible Society Hebrew 0564000299 E31-A3.5 HEB H O Bf.01 1980
Hebrew Old Testament Hebrew Publishing Company Hebrew E31-A3.5 HEB H O Hp.01
The New Testament in Hebrew and English The Trinitarian Bible Society Hebrew--KJV E31-A3.6 HEB/ENG H/KJV NPa Tb.01 1831
The Holy Scriptures: Hebrew and English The Society for Distributing Hebrew Scriptures Hebrew--KJV E31-A3.6 HEB/ENG H/KJV OPa Sd.01
The Bible In the Hands of Its Creators: Biblical Facts as they are The Society of the Bible in the Hands of its Creators Hebrew--English E31-A3.6 HEB/ENG H/Z OV Sb.01 1943 v.1
The Interlinear Bible: Hebrew-Greek-English / With Strong's Concordance Numbers Above each Word Hendrickson Publishers Hebrew--Greek--English 0913573256 E31-A3.6 HEB/GRE/ENG H/LTB BPa Hp.01 1986
The New Testament American Bible Society Italian--English E31-A3.6 ITA/ENG I/Z NPa Ab.01 1908
舊新約聖書 日本聖書協會 Japanese--Chinese E31-A3.6 JPN JBS B Ss.01 1942
Seisho (Holy Bible) 日本聖書協會 Japan Bible Society 4820210130 E31-A3.6 JPN JBS B Ss.02 1985
Seisho (Holy Bible) 日本聖書協會 Japan Bible Society 4820210033 E31-A3.6 JPN JBS B Ss.03 1985
Holy Bible: The Living Bible (Paraphrased) Inochi no Kotobasha Japanese the Living Bible 426400568X E31-A3.6 JPN JLB B In.01 1982
新約聖書:新改訳 日本聖書協會 Japanese New Translation 426400564X E31-A3.6 JPN JNT N Ss.01 1987
New Testament and Psalms: Japanese Revised Version In Roman Letters Japan Bible Society Japanese Revised Version E31-A3.6 JPN JRV N Jb.01 1951
Biblia Sacra: Vulgate Edition (Sixti V. Pontificis Maximi iussu recognita, & Clementis VIII. auctoritate edita.) Garnier Freres, Libraires-Editeurs Vulgate Editionis E31-A3.6 LAT VUL BS Gf.01
Nytt Liv: Norsk utgave av (The Living New Testament) Biblicum A/S Norway the Living Bible 8253404301 E31-A3.6 NOR NLB N B9.01
A Biblia Sagrada Sociedade Biblia Do Brasil Portuguese--Brazilian 0907861415 E31-A3.6 POR PBB B Sb.01 1994
A Biblia Vida Nova: Edicao Revista E Atualizada No Brasil Sociedade Religiosa Edicoes Vida Nova-Sociedade Biblica Do Brasil Portuguese--Brazilian E31-A3.6 POR PBB B Sr.01 1976
A Biblia Sagrada Sociedade Biblia Trinitariana Do Brasil Portuguese--Brazilian E31-A3.6 POR SBT B Sb.02 1955
Thai Holy Bible Thai Bible Society uk E31-A3.6 TAI TBS B Tb.01 1988
The New Testament in Vietnamese and English The British & Foreign Bible Society N/A E31-A3.6 VIE/ENG V/KJV N Gi.01 1975

Revised on Aug 2021

Call Number
讚美詩 中國基督教信義會 500 E31-A04.2 HCC C.中信 MisNn 1967 CHI
救恩詩歌 (簡譜版) 中國神召會出版社 300 E31-A04.2 HCC C.中召 GodCa 1951 CHI
救恩詩歌 (琴譜版) 中國神召會出版社 300 E31-A04.2 HCC C.中召 GodCa 1951 CHI
頌主聖詩 (新版) 道聲出版社 597 E31-A04.2 HCC D.道聲 ComHs 1994 CHI / ENG
頌主聖詩 (簡譜本) 道聲出版社 600 E31-A04.2 HCC D.道聲 ComLn 1978 CHI
頌主聖詩 恩典院 300, 16, 1189 E31-A04.2 HCC E.恩典 Du9Jg 1961 CHI
讚美詩 福音自傳會 462 E31-A04.2 HCC F.福自 ChaPl 1978 CHI / ENG
詩歌 台灣福音書房 780 E31-A04.2 HCC F.福音 Li9Cg 1968 CHI
詩歌 (補充本) 台灣福音書房 1005 E31-A04.2 HCC F.福音 LiuSi 2000 CHI
詩歌 (增選本) 香港基督徒聚會所 482 E31-A04.2 HCC G.基所 KonLl 1974 CHI
讚美詩 (簡, 新編--簡譜本) 中國基督教協會 400 E31-A04.2 HCC J.教協 CouCa 1983 CHI
讚美詩 (簡, 新編, 綫譜本) 中國基督教協會 400, 42 E31-A04.2 HCC J.教協 ZheJn 1991 CHI
頌主新歌 浸信會出版社 639 E31-A04.2 HCC J.浸會 ChiGl 1973 CHI
頌主新歌 (精簡本) 浸信會出版社 56 E31-A04.2 HCC J.浸會 ChiGl 1984 CHI / ENG
新頌主詩集 (簡譜本) 浸信會出版社 300 E31-A04.2 HCC J.浸會 WanYg 1973 CHI
聖徒詩歌 美國見證出版社 716 E31-A04.2 HCC J.見證 BubTy 1984 CHI + ENG
教會聖詩 美國加州羅省基督教會 527 E31-A04.2 HCC L.羅省 CheLy 1991 CHI / ENG
基督是主 01-04 精裝合訂本 門徒出版社 E31-A04.2 HCC M.門徒 ChoDl 1981 CHI + ENG
新聖詩 (I) 人光出版社 60 E31-A04.2 HCC R.人光 TaiMc 1985 CHI / TAI
普天頌讚 上海廣學會 550 E31-A04.3 HCC S.上廣 HweCg 1936 CHI
讚美詩 時兆出版社 505 E31-A04.3 HCC S.時兆 ComHl 1965 CHI
聖歌 聖刊社 333 E31-A04.3 HCC S.聖刊 WanJn 1960 CHI
聖歌 基督教台灣聖教會聖歌編輯委員會 533 E31-A04.3 HCC S.聖教 WanJn 1980 CHI
新聖詩--修訂版 台福傳播中心 390 E31-A04.3 HCC T.台傳 ComEl 1991 CHI / ENG + TAI
新聖詩 台語福音教會 385 E31-A04.3 HCC T.台福 ComEl 1982 CHI / ENG + TAI
天人短歌 基督教天人社 420 E31-A04.3 HCC T.天人 Su9Zo 1974 CHI + ENG
普天頌讚 (文字版) 基督教文藝出版社 550 E31-A04.3 HCC W.文藝 ComUn 1953 CHI
普天頌讚 基督教文藝出版社 680 E31-A04.3 HCC W.文藝 CouCe 1977 CHI
普天頌讚 (簡譜本) 基督教文藝出版社 680 E31-A04.3 HCC W.文藝 CouCe 1978 CHI
普天崇拜 (合訂本) 基督教文藝出版社 323 E31-A04.3 HCC W.文藝 He9Si 1980 CHI
青年聖歌綜合本 (一) (第1, 2, 3, 4集合編) 宣道出版社 200 E31-A04.3 HCC X.宣道 HymYh 1960 CHI / ENG
青年聖歌綜合本 (二) (第5, 6, 7, 8集合編) 宣道出版社 200 E31-A04.3 HCC X.宣道 HymYh 1970 CHI + ENG
青年聖歌綜合本 (三) (第9, 10, 11, 12集合編) 宣道出版社 200 E31-A04.3 HCC X.宣道 HymYh 1981 CHI + ENG
宣道詩 (琴譜本) 宣道出版社 287 E31-A04.3 HCC X.宣道 NewWm 1982 CHI
生命聖詩 宣道出版社 536 E31-A04.3 HCC X.宣道 TenJn 1986 CHI / ENG
新生聖歌 New Life Christian Church Mission 257 E31-A04.3 HCC X.新生 MisNw 1970 CHI / TAI
新生聖詩 New Life Christian Church Mission 465 E31-A04.3 HCC X.新生 MisNw 1981 CHI / TAI
校園詩歌第1集 天同出版社 312 E31-A04.3 HCC X.校園 FelCs 1982 CHI + ENG
校園詩歌第2集 校園書房出版社 300 E31-A04.3 HCC X.校園 FelCs 1991 CHI + ENG
頌讚詩選 鍚安出版社 420 E31-A04.3 HCC X.錫安 ChuZn 1992 CHI
真理詩選 台灣信義會真理堂 130 E31-A04.3 HCC Z.真理 ZheZi 1983 CHI + ENG
華人聖頌 福音證主協會 123 E31-A04.3 HCC Z.證主 LawDl 1992 CHI
頌主聖歌 (線譜修訂本) 證道出版社 532 E31-A04.3 HCC Z.證道 PreCn 1961 CHI
中英聖詩 李道榮 300 E31-A04.3 HCC ZZ.L LeePp na CHI / ENG
經文歌頌 366 E31-A04.3 HCC ZZ.U WeiNu na CHI
聖詩 于力工 591 E31-A04.3 HCC ZZ.Y Yu9Li 1972 CHI / ENG
Cokesbury Worship Hymnal (The) Abingdon Press 348 E31-A04.4 HCE AB BowC9 na ENG
Amateur Choir Director Abingdon Press E31-A04.4 HCE AB HjoCl na ENG
101 Hymns for Men to Sing Abingdon Press 101 E31-A04.4 HCE AB HouJs 1588 ENG
Abingdon Song Book (The) Abingdon Press (The) 317 E31-A04.4 HCE AB WasCs 1938 ENG
Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America The American Evangelical Lutheran church 602 E31-A04.4 HCE AM ChuAn 1960 ENG
Christmas Carols and Hymns for School and Choir American Book Company E31-A04.4 HCE AM DanHs 1937 ENG
Lutheran Book of Worship Augsburg Publishing House 569 E31-A04.4 HCE AU AmeLn 1978 ENG
New Songs of Praise Baptist Press 639 E31-A04.4 HCE BA ChiGl 1976 ENG
Songs for Juniors Broadman Press 181 E31-A04.4 HCE BR PreBn 1953 ENG
New Broadman Hymnal (The) Broadman Press 512 E31-A04.4 HCE BR ReyWm 1977 ENG
Crowns of Rejoicing Charles Reign ScovIlle 285 E31-A04.4 HCE CH ScoCs na ENG
Dakota Odowan / Dakota Hymns The Dakota Mission of the American Missionary Association and the Presbyterian Board E31-A04.4 HCE DA WilJn 1879 ENG
E.A.C.C. Hymnal East Asia Christian Conference 200 E31-A04.4 HCE EA KelJn 1963 ENG
Hymns for Worship Evangel Press 583 E31-A04.4 HCE EV MilEl 1963 ENG
Hymns for Children and Grownups Farrar,Straus and Young 185 E31-A04.4 HCE FA BriLe 1953 ENG
Lift Up Your Hearts: Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual songs Faith Alive Christian Resourecs 965 E31-A04.4 HCE FA ResUp 2013 ENG
Alexander's Gospel Songs No.2 Fleming H. Revell Company 195 E31-A04.4 HCE FL AleCs 1910 ENG
Methodist Hymnal (The) General Conference of the Methodist Church. (The) 644 E31-A04.4 HCE GE AndWm 1932 ENG
Melodies of Praise Gospel Publishing House 341 E31-A04.4 HCE GO AndEn 1957 ENG
Choice Hymns of the Faith Gospel Perpetuating Fund. 545 E31-A04.4 HCE GO GilT9 1943 ENG
Hymns of Glorious Praise Gospel Publishing House 504 E31-A04.4 HCE GO HouGl 1969 ENG
Melodies and Chants Adapted to "Hymns for the Little Flock" G. Morrish 275 E31-A04.4 HCE GZ MorG9 1903 ENG
Traditional Hymns Henry Holt and Company, Inc. E31-A04.4 HCE HE HolHy 1866 ENG
Service Hymnal (The) Hope Publishing Company 501 E31-A04.4 HCE HO ComHe 1945 ENG
Worship and Service Hymnal Hope Publishing Company 543 E31-A04.4 HCE HO ComHe 1957 ENG
Pentecostal Hymns No. 3 Hope Publishing Company 343 E31-A04.4 HCE HO DatHy 1902 ENG
Hymns for the Living Church Hope Publishing Company 591 E31-A04.4 HCE HO HusDd 1974 ENG
Hymns of Praise: Numbers 1 and 2 Combined For The Church and Sunday School Hope Publishing Company 447 E31-A04.4 HCE HO KinF9 1943 ENG
PlainsongPsalter : the Psalms of David, according Book of Common Prayer The H. W. Gray Company 150 E31-A04.4 HCE HW ConGl 1932 ENG
Moravian Youth Hymnal The Interprovincial Board of Chirstian Education of the Moravian Church in America 235 E31-A04.4 HCE IN AmeIl 1942 ENG
New Hymnal For Christian Youth The International Society of Christian Endeavor 157 E31-A04.4 HCE IN PolDl 1931 ENG
Hymns for Creative Living, Bethany Edition The Judson Press 195 E31-A04.4 HCE JU HoiRd 1935 ENG
Childhood Songs The Judson Press 125 E31-A04.4 HCE JU RowMa 1898 ENG
New Church Hymnal (The) Lexcon Music , INC 592 E31-A04.4 HCE LE CarRh 1976 ENG
Day of Thy Powe : a Devotional Hymnal Living Way Ministries 96 E31-A04.4 HCE LI HayJk 1987 ENG
Lorenz's Select Anthems: a Collection of Easy Anthems, Quartets, Sentences and Responses -- for the Use of Choirs in Churches, Sunday Schools and Young People's Societies Lorenz Publishing Co. E31-A04.4 HCE LO PubLz 1946 ENG
Pius X Hymnal (The) Mclaughlin & ReIlly CO. 296 E31-A04.4 HCE MC SheFs 1953 ENG
Methodist Sunday School Hymnal (The) The Methodist Book Concern 283 E31-A04.4 HCE ME PelJn 1911 ENG
Oxford American Psalter: The Psalms and Canticles …. Oxford University Press 237 E31-A04.5 HCE OX BroRy 1949 ENG
Oxford Hymn Book (The) Oxford at the Clarendon Press 350 E31-A04.5 HCE OX PreOd 1908 ENG
The Scottish Psalter 1929 Metrical Version and Scripture Paraphrases with tunes Oxford University Press 192 E31-A04.5 HCE OX SteG9 1929 ENG
Hymns for the Family of God Paragon Associates, Inc. 699 E31-A04.5 HCE PA BocFd 1976 ENG
Chant and Service Book Parish Choir 253, iii E31-A04.5 HCE PA HutCs 1894 ENG
Hymnbook (The) Parthenon Press 585 E31-A04.5 HCE PA StaE9 na ENG
Hymnal (The) Presbyterian Board of Christian Education 512 E31-A04.5 HCE PR AmePn 1933 ENG
Handbook to The Hymnal Presbyterian Board of Christian Education 513 E31-A04.5 HCE PR HymHk 1936 ENG
Hymnbook (The) Presbyterian Church in the United States /Presbyterian Church in the United States of America / United Presbyterian Church of North America / Reformed Church in America 600 E31-A04.5 HCE PR JonDd na ENG
Book of Praise (The) The Presbyterian Church in Canada 614 E31-A04.5 HCE PR PraBk 1972 ENG
Hymnal and Liturgies of the Moravian Church Rayer Lithographing Co. 623 E31-A04.5 HCE RA AmeMn 1969 ENG
Church Hymnal (The) Review and Herald Publishing Association 703 E31-A04.5 HCE RE AssRw 1941 ENG
Reader's Digest Family Songbook Faith and Joy: 129 All-time Inspirational Favorites The Reader's Digest Association, Inc. E31-A04.5 HCE RE SimWm 1975 ENG
Gospel Hymns and Songs The Rodeheaver, Co 256 E31-A04.5 HCE RO RodHr 256 ENG
Triumphant Service Songs Rodeheaver, Hall Mack Co 295 E31-A04.5 HCE RO RodHr 1934 ENG
Christian Service Songs Rodeheaver, Hall Mack Co 312 E31-A04.5 HCE RO RodHr 1939 ENG
Church Service Hymns The Rodeheaver Hall-Mack Sacred Music Publisher 448 E31-A04.5 HCE RO RodHr 1948 ENG
Youth Hymnal Rodeheaver, Hall Mack Co 226 E31-A04.5 HCE RO RodJh 1935 ENG
40 Gospel Hymn Stories The Rodeheaver - Hall Mack CO. E31-A04.5 HCE RO SanGe 1943 ENG
Wonderful Jesus and Other Songs Romany Publishing Co 245 E31-A04.5 HCE RO SmiGy 1927 ENG
Tabernacle Hymns Tabernacle Publishing Company 403 E31-A04.5 HCE TA ComTe 1958 ENG
Favorite Hymns of Praise Tabernacle Publishing Company 518 E31-A04.5 HCE TA ComTe 1969 ENG
Book of Hymns (The) The United Methodist Publishing House 843 E31-A04.5 HCE UN ChaEn 1964 ENG
United Methodist Hymnal (The ) : Book of United Methodist Worship The United Methodist Publishing House 904 E31-A04.5 HCE UN HouUd 1989 ENG
Hymns of the Church The United Church of Christ in Japan 209 E31-A04.5 HCE UN PubBd 1963 ENG
Hymns for Junior Worship The Westminster Press 148 E31-A04.5 HCE WE DieMe 1940 ENG
Vesper Chimes The Westminster Press 301 E31-A04.5 HCE WE FabFk na ENG
When the Little Child Wants to Sing: For Use with Four- and Five-year-olds in Home, School,and Church School The Westminster Press 162 E31-A04.5 HCE WE LauCn 1935 ENG
Worhship Book; Services (The) The Westminster Press E31-A04.5 HCE WE PreWr 1970 ENG
Church School Hymnal for Youth (The) The Westminster Press 406 E31-A04.5 HCE WE RogEe 1938 ENG
Hymnal for Youth (The) The Westminster Press 336 E31-A04.5 HCE WE YouHl 1947 ENG
Psalter (The) WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company 434 E31-A04.5 HCE WM ComWm 1947 ENG
Peoples Mass Book: New Edition of the Peoples Hymnal World Library of Sacred Music E31-A04.5 HCE WO ComPs 1846 ENG
Songs for Praise and Worship Word Music 253 E31-A04.5 HCE WO MusWd 1992 ENG
Great Hymns of the Faith Zondervan Publishing House 538 E31-A04.5 HCE ZO PetJn 1968 ENG
Crowning Glory Hymnal Zondervan Publishing House 407 E31-A04.5 HCE ZO PetJn 1970 ENG
Korean-English Hymnbook (The) The Korean-English Hymnbook Publication Commission 401 E31-A04.6 HCK KO ComKn 1978 KOR / ENG
Hymn (The) The Korean Hymnal Society 558 E31-A04.6 HCK KO SocKn 1983 KOR
閩南聖詩 (海外版) 旅菲中華基督教播道團 300 E31-A04.6 HCT F.菲播 BanCc 1965 TAI
聖詩 台灣教會公報社 523 E31-A04.6 HCT G.公報 TaiMc 1964 TAI / ENG
靈惠聖詩 靈惠基督教會 1250 E31-A04.6 HCT L.靈惠 ComGc 1981 TAI / CHI
北美聖詩 人光出版社 370 E31-A04.6 HCT R.人光 AmeHl 1985 TAI / ENG + CHI
福音頌讚 (台語) 神召會出版社 411 E31-A04.6 HCT S.神召 PreAs 1987 TAI / CHI
閩南聖詩 (增訂本) 菲律賓基督教聖樂促進會 500 E31-A04.6 HCT S.聖樂 CheCn 1980 TAI / CHI
新聖詩 (節錄本附短歌) 台語福音教會 144, 25 E31-A04.6 HCT T:台福 GaoJi 1982 TAI
來自中國的旋律 北美希伯崙音樂事工 32 E31-A05.2 HPC B.北希 MinHn na CHI
讚美系列 Priase 14 巴洛可製作公司 11 E31-A05.2 HPC B.巴洛 Pra99 1998 CHI / ENG
傳神的歌 傳神基金會 18 E31-A05.2 HPC C.傳神 Li9Zi 1999 CHI
傳神的歌 02 傳神基金會 13 E31-A05.2 HPC C.傳神 Li9Zi 2003 CHI + ENG
全人敬拜 & 幸福人生 恩韻音樂事工 27 E31-A05.2 HPC E.恩韻 Wu9En 2011 CHI + ENG
盡忠為主 : 趙君影心和歌集 中華歸主神學院 15 E31-A05.2 HPC G.歸神 ZhaJn 1994 CHI
永世的君王 羔羊音樂工作室 13 E31-A05.2 HPC G.羔羊 JiaXi 2001 CHI
重返聖城 羔羊音樂工作室 14 E31-A05.2 HPC G.羔羊 JiaXi 2003 CHI
最珍貴的禮物 嘉台音樂出版 9 E31-A05.2 HPC J.嘉台 Li9Zo 1998 CHI
歡唱 : 合唱譜 救世傳播協會 13 E31-A05.2 HPC J.救世 HonSn 2000 CHI
好消息 基督教救世傳播協會 12 E31-A05.2 HPC J.救世 TelOs 1980 CHI
野地的花 基督教救世傳播協會 13 E31-A05.2 HPC J.救世 TelOs 1980 CHI
風和愛 救世傳播協會 12 E31-A05.2 HPC J.救世 TelOs 1983 CHI
是愛 彭蒙惠英語出版社 12 E31-A05.2 HPC J.救世 TelOs 1985 CHI
弦外之歌 救世傳播協會 10 E31-A05.2 HPC J.救世 Ye9Wi 1988 CHI
溪邊的樹 救世傳播協會 16 E31-A05.2 HPC J.救世 Ye9Wi 1991 CHI
生命曙光 角聲使團 12 E31-A05.2 HPC J.角聲 CruCe 1999 CHI
普世頌揚 : 客語聖歌集精選第 01 集 基督教客家福音協會 20 E31-A05.2 HPC K.客福 CheKt 2008 CHI
佈道詩選 Crusade Hymns 香港葛培理佈道大會 E31-A05.2 HPC P.培理 CruHg 1975 CHI / ENG
婚禮頌歌 榮光出版社 12 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 BamJ9 1996 CHI +ENG
向主歌唱--池如淮選輯3 榮光出版社 11 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 ChiRu 1996 CHI / ENG
向主歌唱--池如淮選輯4 榮光出版社 11 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 ChiRu 1996 CHI / ENG
聖誕心韻-池如淮選輯 榮光出版社 7 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 ChiRu 1999 CHI / ENG
完全平安--池如淮選輯 榮光出版社 7 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 ChiRu 1999 CHI / ENG
齊來歡唱-池如淮選輯1 榮光出版社 7 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 ChiRu 2000 CHI / ENG
向主歌唱--池如淮選輯8 榮光出版社 8 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 ChiRu 2000 CHI / ENG
恆常讚美 榮光出版社 10 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 GreBe 1998 CHI / ENG
馬利亞,妳知道嗎? 榮光出版社 13 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 GulDd 2000 CHI / ENG
智慧之歌清唱曲 榮光社 6 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 HuaCn 1985 CHI
歡欣歌唱4-讚美主 榮光出版社 6 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 LinRd 1991 CHI / ENG
歡欣歌唱2-主大愛 榮光出版社 9 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 LinRd 1992 CHI / ENG
歡欣歌唱5-感謝主 榮光出版社 7 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 LinRd 1992 CHI / ENG
歡欣歌唱6-傳揚主 榮光出版社 7 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 LinRd 1992 CHI / ENG
歡欣歌唱1-在主裡 榮光出版社 8 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 LinRd 1993 CHI / ENG
歡欣歌唱7 榮光出版社 7 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 LinRd 1994 CHI / ENG
歡欣歌唱8 榮光出版社 7 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 LinRd 1994 CHI / ENG
讚美的季節 榮光出版社 12 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 MarJh 1999 CHI / ENG
甜美之歌 榮光出版社 8 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 MinGy 1998 CHI / TAI
讚美系列-同來讚美 榮光出版社 25 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 Pra99 2000 CHI / ENG
豐盛的饗宴 榮光出版社 12 E31-A05.2 HPC R.榮光 SalSy 1993 CHI / ENG
Rock 青年詩歌創作集 01 石磐音樂 50 E31-A05.2 HPC S.石磐 XieHg 1999 CHI
十字架的愛 : 迦南詩歌精選 52 首 神州傳播協會 52 E31-A05.2 HPC S.神州 MinXo 2004 CHI
清唱劇 : 巴拉巴--一個必死之人蒙了拯救的故事 頌恩出版社 3 E31-A05.2 HPC S.頌恩 SonJi 2003 CHI
哈利路亞歸十架 天中出版社 8 E31-A05.2 HPC T.天中 HuaDa 1983 CHI
旅客的歌 天道書樓有限公司 28 E31-A05.2 HPC T.天道 WonKk 1983 CHI / ENG
大海中的道路 我心旋律 10 E31-A05.2 HPC W.旋律 MeaMy na CHI
天父 我心旋律 11 E31-A05.2 HPC W.旋律 MeaMy na CHI
生命的執著 : 為祢而活 我心旋律 11 E31-A05.2 HPC W.旋律 MeaMy na CHI
回家 我心旋律 10 E31-A05.2 HPC W.旋律 MeaMy na CHI
金色的耶路撒冷 我心旋律 10 E31-A05.2 HPC W.旋律 MeaMy na CHI + ENG
生命之花: 合唱譜 王子音樂 13 E31-A05.2 HPC W.王子 HonCk 2001 CHI
為主贏得城市: 合唱譜 王子音樂 12 E31-A05.2 HPC W.王子 HonCk 2001 CHI
敬拜與讚美 01 萬國敬拜與讚美 21 E31-A05.2 HPC W.萬國 MinAl 1997 CHI / ENG
敬拜與讚美 02 萬國敬拜與讚美 24 E31-A05.2 HPC W.萬國 MinAl 1997 CHI / ENG
在一個感恩的傍晚 : 書樵譜的詩歌 校園書房 12 E31-A05.2 HPC X.校園 JinXi 1985 CHI
敬拜讚美的節慶 以琳書房 19 E31-A05.2 HPC Y.以琳 ZhaQi 1990 CHI / ENG
坐在寶座上聖潔羔羊 有情天音樂 6 E31-A05.2 HPC Y.有情 CheYi 2001 CHI + TAI
千山萬水恩惠相隨 有情天音樂 15 E31-A05.2 HPC Y.有情 CheYi 2005 CHI
永遠掌權 異象工場音樂 12 E31-A05.2 HPC Y.異象 ZhoSn 2011 CHI + ENG
祂的國度祂的榮耀 異象工場音樂 15 E31-A05.2 HPC Y.異象 ZhoXu 2000 CHI + ENG
主愛伴一生 真愛之泉音樂事工 17 E31-A05.2 HPC Z.真愛 CheEn 2007 CHI
主是我亮光 真愛之泉音樂事工 11 E31-A05.2 HPC Z.真愛 CheEn 2008 CHI
來依靠主 真愛之泉音樂事工 11 E31-A05.2 HPC Z.真愛 CheEn 2009 CHI + TAI
詩班合唱 (聖詩改編合唱曲集)第二集 李運進 11 E31-A05.2 HPC ZZ.L Li9Yn 1994 CHI
短歌集 巴洛可製作公司 112 E31-A05.3 HPCs B.巴洛 ProBl 1991 CHI / ENG
兒童歡唱 (合訂本 01) 中國主日協會 226 E31-A05.3 HPCs C.中主 HuaZi 1983 CHI
兒童歡唱 (合訂本 02 ) 中國主日協會 174 E31-A05.3 HPCs C.中主 Su9Xn 1983 CHI
中原福音詩歌選 中原大學 E31-A05.3 HPCs C.中原 OffCg na CHI + ENG
迦南詩選 中福出版有限公司 565 E31-A05.3 HPCs C.中福 IntCa 1998 CHI
母親節頌歌 新竹中會青年部母親節歌唱比賽專輯 E31-A05.3 HPCs C.竹中 HuiXn na CHI
讚美我主 (再版) 基隆長樂長老教會 E31-A05.3 HPCs C.長樂 ZhoHi 1977 CHI + ENG
台福聖詩 Evangical Formosan Hymns 長青文化事業 101 E31-A05.3 HPCs C.長青 GaoJi 1980 CHI / ENG
火煉-當代中國創作詩集 道生神學院 99 E31-A05.3 HPCs D.道生 HuaNi na CHI
佳音兒童歌集 道聲出版社宗教教材編輯室 205 E31-A05.3 HPCs D.道聲 HouTo 1974 CHI
詩與歌 Hymns & Songs 1 福音書舍 (Gospel Book Room) 59 E31-A05.3 HPCs F.福舍 Yu9Li 1972 CHI / ENG
詩與歌 Hymns & Songs 2 福音書舍 (Gospel Book Room) 61 E31-A05.3 HPCs F.福舍 Yu9Li na CHI / ENG
福音詩謌 福音詩歌出版社 242 E31-A05.3 HPCs F.福詩 Ye9Zi 1972 CHI
詩歌 (選本一百首) 台灣福音書房 100, 2 E31-A05.3 HPCs F.福音 Li9Cg 1986 CHI / ENG
靈恩詩歌 : 中英文對照 Philippine Good News Publishing House 300 E31-A05.3 HPCs F.菲好 HouPe na CHI / ENG
口唱心和集 /心被恩感集 (線譜版) 基督之家雜誌社 100 E31-A05.3 HPCs G.基家 KouSi 1984 CHI
口唱心和集 /心被恩感集 (簡譜版) 基督之家雜誌社 100 E31-A05.3 HPCs G.基家 KouSi 1984 CHI
詩歌 (特選本) 香港基督徒出版社 120 E31-A05.3 HPCs G.基社 PreHg 1983 CHI
頌主詩篇 基督教改革宗長老會 212 E31-A05.3 HPCs G.改革 ChuRd na CHI
天離地何等的高 : 經文詩歌集 01, 02 合集 橄欖基金會 E31-A05.3 HPCs G.橄欖 MouWi 1996 CHI
如我也歌 橄欖基金會 76 E31-A05.3 HPCs G.橄欖 ZhoCg 1987 CHI
天韻之聲 770 (簡, 修訂本) 橄欖葉工作室 770 E31-A05.3 HPCs G.橄葉 Ye9Gn na CHI
迦南詩選 01 亞洲歸主協會 50 E31-A05.3 HPCs G.歸主 LinSi 2001 CHI
聖經詩選 = Singing Scripturies 亞洲歸主協會發行 50 E31-A05.3 HPCs G.歸主 WanAy 1976 CHI / ENG
培靈詩選 耕耘會編印 32 E31-A05.3 HPCs G.耕耘 AssLt na CHI / ENG
和散那聖歌集 和散那聖歌集編輯委員會 170 E31-A05.3 HPCs H.和散 CowHa 1996 CHI + JAP + ENG
讚美詩集第 02 輯 環球傳道會 242 E31-A05.3 HPCs H.環球 MisGl na CHI + ENG
讚美詩集合訂本 環球傳道會 240 E31-A05.3 HPCs H.環球 MisGl na CHI + ENG
讚美短歌集(1) (袖珍本) 救世傳播會彭蒙惠英語出版社 E31-A05.3 HPCs J.救世 TelOs 1988 CHI+ENG
讚美短歌集 (2) 救世傳播協會 E31-A05.3 HPCs J.救世 Ye9Wi 1986 CHI / ENG
讚美短歌集 (2) (袖珍本) 救世傳播協會 E31-A05.3 HPCs J.救世 Ye9Wi 1990 CHI / ENG
天韻之歌 : 天韻創作專輯 01-06, 簡譜版, 袖珍本) 救世傳播協會 E31-A05.3 HPCs J.救世 Ye9Wi 1992 CHI
聖誕歌選第 01 集 浸信會出版部 30 E31-A05.3 HPCs J.浸會 PreBt 1953 CHI / ENG
奮興培靈詩歌 台南民族路教會 110 E31-A05.3 HPCs M.民族 HonWn 1989 CHI + TAI
基督是主 Christ iIs the Lord 1 門徒出版社 24 E31-A05.3 HPCs M.門徒 ChoDl 1977 CHI + ENG
基督是主 Christ iIs the Lord 2 門徒出版社 40 E31-A05.3 HPCs M.門徒 ChoDl 1978 CHI + ENG
基督是主 Christ iIs the Lord 3 門徒出版社 45 E31-A05.3 HPCs M.門徒 ChoDl 1979 CHI + ENG
基督是主 Christ iIs the Lord 4 門徒出版社 E31-A05.3 HPCs M.門徒 ChoDl 1980 CHI + ENG
基督是主 Christ iIs the Lord 5 門徒出版社 E31-A05.3 HPCs M.門徒 ChoDl 1981 CHI + ENG
基督是主 Christ iIs the Lord 6 門徒出版社 E31-A05.3 HPCs M.門徒 ChoDl 1982 CHI + ENG
基督是主 Christ iIs the Lord 7 門徒出版社 E31-A05.3 HPCs M.門徒 ChoDl 1984 CHI + ENG
詩的韻律 01 南神圖書供應社 E31-A05.3 HPCs N.南神 WanCg 1977 CHI
詩的韻律 02 南神圖書供應社 E31-A05.3 HPCs N.南神 WanCg 1978 CHI
詩的韻律 03 南神圖書供應社 E31-A05.3 HPCs N.南神 WanCg na CHI
詩的韻律 04 台灣教會公報社 E31-A05.3 HPCs N.南神 WanCg na CHI
詩的韻律 05 人光出版社 E31-A05.3 HPCs N.南神 XieRi 1980 CHI
高舉主 Exlt Him 榮光出版社 83 E31-A05.3 HPCs R.榮光 FetTm 2001 CHI / ENG
福建敬拜讚美詩歌2-敬拜歌、聖詩歌、新年歌、聖誕歌 Hokkien Harvest Singapore 44 E31-A05.3 HPCs S.HO SinHn 2003 CHI / ROM
歌頌讚美耶和華 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsyvania 225 E31-A05.3 HPCs S.守望 PenWh 1985 CHI
頌恩詩歌 (=頌恩詩選) 頌恩聖樂中心 150 E31-A05.3 HPCs S.頌恩 CenSg na CHI
經文歡唱 台灣信義會教區教育事工委員會 94 E31-A05.3 HPCs T.台信 XieQi 1976 CHI
天鷹新歌第 01 集 芝城台灣福音教會 50 E31-A05.3 HPCs T.台福 LiuRi 1986 CHI / ENG
天人聖歌-主的妙愛 基督教天人社 12 E31-A05.3 HPCs T.天人 Su9o 1987 CHI
天人短歌選本 基督教天人社 500 E31-A05.3 HPCs T.天人 Su9Zuo 1980 CHI
齊聲讚美101敬拜詩選 台福傳播中心 101 E31-A05.3 HPCs T.天同 CheEn 1991 CHI
民謠吉他集 02 文化圖書公司 116 E31-A05.3 HPCs W.文化 RonGg 1973 ENG
民謠吉他集 04 文化圖書公司 116 E31-A05.3 HPCs W.文化 RonGg 1974 ENG
心 Sing 心聲 : 旺角浸信會詩集 旺角浸信會聖樂部 123 E31-A05.3 HPCs W.旺角 LuoSu 2003 CHI
傳耶穌 06 : 天父,你是我今生的依歸 萬國敬拜與讚美 14 E31-A05.3 HPCs W.萬國 He9Yg 2000 CHI
齊來同敬拜 萬民頌揚聖詩編輯出版委員會 24 E31-A05.3 HPCs W.萬頌 PubTy 1968 CHI
青年聖歌2 宣道出版社 50 E31-A05.3 HPCs X.宣道 NewWm 1965 CHI + ENG
青年聖歌5 宣道出版社 50 E31-A05.3 HPCs X.宣道 NewWm 1965 CHI + ENG
青年聖歌7 宣道出版社 50 E31-A05.3 HPCs X.宣道 NewWm 1968 CHI + ENG
青年聖歌8 宣道出版社 50 E31-A05.3 HPCs X.宣道 NewWm 1969 CHI + ENG
青年聖歌9 宣道出版社 50 E31-A05.3 HPCs X.宣道 NewWm 1972 CHI + ENG
青年聖歌10 宣道出版社 50 E31-A05.3 HPCs X.宣道 NewWm 1973 CHI + ENG
聚會詩選 新加坡長老會禧年堂成人團契執委編印 58 E31-A05.3 HPCs X.新長 ComAt na CHI+ENG
讓心飛躍 : 飛躍詩集 02 校園書房出版社 75 E31-A05.3 HPCs X.校園 ActFg 1998 CHI + ENG
校園歡唱第 02 集 校園書房出版社 72 E31-A05.3 HPCs X.校園 PreCs 1983 CHI
校園歡唱第 01 集 校園書房出版社 136 E31-A05.3 HPCs X.校園 PreCs 1984 CHI + ENG
經句短歌 校園書房出版社 63 E31-A05.3 HPCs X.校園 SunMg 1988 CHI
流浪的歷史 : 楔子詩歌創作輯 校園書房出版社 102 E31-A05.3 HPCs X.校園 XieHg 1990 CHI
新歌頌揚第 03 集 以琳書房 100 E31-A05.3 HPCs Y.以琳 BooEm 1990 CHI + ENG
新歌頌揚第 01 集 以琳書房 107 E31-A05.3 HPCs Y.以琳 ZhaQi 1982 CHI + ENG
新歌頌揚第 02 集 以琳書房 93 E31-A05.3 HPCs Y.以琳 ZhaQi 1987 CHI + ENG
敬拜讚美的節慶 02 以琳書房 35 E31-A05.3 HPCs Y.以琳 ZhaQi 1990 CHI + ENG
新歌頌揚第 04 集 以琳書房 100 E31-A05.3 HPCs Y.以琳 ZhaQi 1990 CHI + ENG
新歌頌揚第 04 集 以琳書房 100 E31-A05.3 HPCs Y.以琳 ZhaQi 1990 CHI + ENG
前來敬拜 : 精選純全詩歌 50 首 以琳聖樂組 50 E31-A05.3 HPCs Y.以琳 ZhaQi 1996 CHI
傳耶穌 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 合集 : 歌詞版 以琳書房 95 E31-A05.3 HPCs Y.以琳 ZhaQi 1998 CHI
傳耶穌 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 合集 以琳聖樂組 95 E31-A05.3 HPCs Y.以琳 ZhaQi 1998 CHI / ENG
我總是在等-迦南詩歌第一集 宇宙光出版社 50 E31-A05.3 HPCs Y.宇宙 ZhaXo 1976 CHI / ENG
青年詩歌選輯 03 中台空中英語叢書 135 E31-A05.3 HPCs Z.中空 NieXi 1984 CHI / ENG
慕溪 奏鳴曲音樂企業有限公司 14 E31-A05.3 HPCs Z.奏鳴 Xi9Mu 1993 CHI
萬民頌揚 基督教台灣信義會真理堂崇拜部 269 E31-A05.3 HPCs Z.真理 ChuTi 1993 CHI
青年聖詩 (增訂再版) 台灣基督長老教會青年事工委員會 100 E31-A05.3 HPCs Z.長老 CheNn 1981 CHI
長春詩歌 台灣基督長老教會總會傳道委員會 102 E31-A05.3 HPCs Z.長老 TaiPn 1989 CHI + TAI
詩歌 (選本附白話字) 50 E31-A05.3 HPCs ZZ.U Ge9Si na CHI + TAI
曠野人聲 (簡, 詩選) 40, 4 E31-A05.3 HPCs ZZ.U LinXn 1947 CHI
教會聖詩 (樣本) 32 E31-A05.3 HPCs ZZ.U PeoHs na CHI
迦南詩選 (袖珍本) 161 E31-A05.3 HPCs ZZ.U SonCn na CHI
奮興短歌集 (節本) 29 E31-A05.3 HPCs ZZ.U SunJn na CHI
迦南詩選 161 E31-A05.3 HPCs ZZ.U XuaJa na CHI
思恩詩選 (簡) E31-A05.3 HPCs ZZ.U XuaSi na CHI
生命的樂章 (簡) E31-A05.3 HPCs ZZ.U ZhaSg na CHI
Songster vol.9 Accent, Inc. 12 E31-A05.4 HPE AC Son99 1961 ENG
Dick Anthony's Horizons in harmony vol.4 Anthony Music NO E31-A05.4 HPE AN AntDk 1972 ENG
Chorister Better Choice Publication. (A) NO E31-A05.4 HPE BE BreJs 1959 ENG
Sincerely Yours Edge Productions, Inc. 12 E31-A05.4 HPE BE EdwAy 1983 ENG
Messiah (The): a Sacred Oratorio Belwin Mills Publishing Corp. 57 E31-A05.4 HPE BE HanGe na ENG
Backyard Bunch (The) Benson Music Group, Inc. 9 E31-A05.4 HPE BE McmJt 1994 ENG
Songster vol.7 Better Choice Publication. (A) 14 E31-A05.4 HPE BE Son99 1958 ENG
Songster vol.6 Better Choice Publication. (A) 10 E31-A05.4 HPE BE Son99 1958 ENG
Songster vol.5 Better Choice Publication. (A) 12 E31-A05.4 HPE BE Son99 1958 ENG
Songster vol.4 Better Choice Publication. (A) 12 E31-A05.4 HPE BE Son99 1958 ENG
Ring of the Nibelungen (The): Third Part -- Siegfried Belwin Mills Publishing Corp. E31-A05.4 HPE BE WagRd na ENG
Valkyrie (The) = Die Walkure Belwin Mills Publishing Corp. E31-A05.4 HPE BE WagRd na ENG
Ring of the Nibelungen (The): Fourth Part -- Twilight of the Gods (The) = Gotterdammerung Belwin Mills Publishing Corp. E31-A05.4 HPE BE WagRd na ENG
Rheingold (The) = Das Rheingold Belwin Mills Publishing Corp. E31-A05.4 HPE BE WagRd na ENG
Greater is He Benson Company , Inc. (The) 17 E31-A05.4 HPE BE WolLy 1977 ENG
Here Comes The King Cherith Publishing 10 E31-A05.4 HPE BR DieBe 1983 ENG
Rejoice..Sing Praise Brentwood Publishing 14 E31-A05.4 HPE BR PubBd 1984 ENG
Holy City (The) Carl Fischer , inc. NO E31-A05.4 HPE CA WeaF9 na ENG
We are Called Birding Music/Cherry Lane Music Publishing 11 E31-A05.4 HPE CH FrySe 1983 ENG
Handel Messiah Chinese Christian Literature Council 53 E31-A05.4 HPE CH HanGz na ENG
Rejoice: Music for the Worship of God in the Twentieth Century. 88 Church of the Good Shepherd 88 E31-A05.4 HPE CH SheCh 1972 ENG + CHI
Old Time Prayer Meeting Hymns Dorothy Geer Sims 23 E31-A05.4 HPE DO SimDy 1970 ENG
Praise the Name of the Lord Choir Book Fred Bock Music Company 8 E31-A05.4 HPE FR BolDk 1983 ENG
O My Stars … It's Chiristmas Fred Bock Music Company NO E31-A05.4 HPE FR ClaAn 1985 ENG
Christ is coming to the Earth this night Fred Bock Music Company NO E31-A05.4 HPE FR HufRn 1983 ENG
Whole World Singing (The) Friendship Press NO E31-A05.4 HPE FR ThoEh 1950 ENG
We Are So Blessed Gaither Music 8 E31-A05.4 HPE GA GaiBl 1984 ENG
Sounds of Joy Gaither Music NO E31-A05.4 HPE GA GaiWm 1967 ENG
Praise You Gaither Music NO E31-A05.4 HPE GA McrCl 1981 ENG
Story of Little Tree (The) Garden Valley Music 14 E31-A05.4 HPE GA OkuMn 1984 ENG
Canticle of ST. Augustine Gentry Publications NO E31-A05.4 HPE GE PetAn 1985 ENG
Songs of Salvation Glory Sound NO E31-A05.4 HPE GL LanDd 1983 ENG
Songs of Pilgrimage Glory Sound NO E31-A05.4 HPE GL MedKn 1982 ENG
On this Speicial Day Glory Sound 6 E31-A05.4 HPE GL PriNy 1983 ENG
Morning Trumpet (The) Glory Sound 10 E31-A05.4 HPE GL SouGy 1983 ENG
Favorite Choir Melidies Gospel Publishing House 27 E31-A05.4 HPE GO AndEn 1965 ENG
Total Gospel with Praise Belwin-Mills Publishing Corp. 10 E31-A05.4 HPE GO MayLy 1983 ENG
Special Choir Melodies Gospel Publishing House 20 E31-A05.4 HPE GO MclCl 1961 ENG
Special Kind of Love (A) John W. Peterson Music Company 14 E31-A05.4 HPE GO PetJn 1983 ENG
Twenty Four Psalms and a Canticle to the Psalmody of Joseph Gelineau: Accompaniments and Four Part Vocal Harmonies (Words in Full) The Grail 24 E31-A05.4 HPE GR Gra99 1958 ENG
Thirty Psalms and Two Canticles to the Psalmody of Joseph Gelineau: Accompaniments and Vocal Harmonies (Words in Full) The Grail 30 E31-A05.4 HPE GR Gra99 1958 ENG
Passion According to ST. John (The) G. Schirmer 68 E31-A05.4 HPE GZ BacJ9 1951 ENG
21 German Requiem: Gin Deutsches Requiem -- for Four-part Chorus of Mixed Voices and Baritone and Soprano Soli with Piano Accompaniment G. Schirmer, Inc. E31-A05.4 HPE GZ BraJs na ENG
Mass in B Minor for Soli, Chorus and Orchestra G. Schirmer, Inc. 24 E31-A05.4 HPE GZ DamFk 1899 ENG
Diller-Page Carol Book (The) G. Schirmer NO E31-A05.4 HPE GZ DilAa 1935 ENG
Messiah (The): an Oratorio for Four-part Chorus of Mixed Voices, Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass Soli and Piano G. Schirmer, Inc. 53 E31-A05.4 HPE GZ HanGe 1912 ENG
I walked today where Jesus walked G. Schirmer NO E31-A05.4 HPE GZ OhaGy 1937 ENG
I wonder as I wonder G. Schirmer NO E31-A05.4 HPE GZm NilJn 1934 ENG
Vertical Momentum: Trading My Sorrows -- Songbook Integrity Media, Inc. E31-A05.4 HPE IN MedIy 2004 ENG
Let's Just Praise The Lord John T. Benson Publinshing Company 96 E31-A05.4 HPE JO GaiBl 1974 ENG
Free Spirit John T. Benson Publinshing Company 10 E31-A05.4 HPE JO OweCl 1972 ENG
I Looked for Love Lexcon Music , INC 10 E31-A05.4 HPE LE CarRh 1969 ENG
Love is.. Lexcon Music , INC NO E31-A05.4 HPE LE CarRh 1971 ENG
Living Sound -Sing around the word Lexcon Music , INC 10 E31-A05.4 HPE LE DalLy 1975 ENG
Treble Voice No.3 Lillenas Publishing CO. 31 E31-A05.4 HPE LI BenHh 1962 ENG
Love , Joy , Peace Lillenas Publishing CO. NO E31-A05.4 HPE LI FetTm 1973 ENG
No Other Lamb Lillenas Publishing CO. 11 E31-A05.4 HPE LI FetTm 1984 ENG
Sonlife Lillenas Publishing CO. NO E31-A05.4 HPE LI JohPl 1975 ENG
Silent Night Lillenas Publishing CO. NO E31-A05.4 HPE LI LilHr 1944 ENG
Highest Praise Lillenas Publishing CO. NO E31-A05.4 HPE LI LinJh 1983 ENG
Lister's Quartet Favorites Book Three Lillenas Publishing CO. 19 E31-A05.4 HPE LI LisMe 1968 ENG
Choir Sing vol.2 Lillenas Publishing CO. 10 E31-A05.4 HPE LI MicPl 1964 ENG
Sing Now Lillenas Publishing CO. 16 E31-A05.4 HPE LI SkiOs 1973 ENG
Doris Akers Choral Series - Special arrangements vol.1 Manna Music Inc. 9 E31-A05.4 HPE MA AkeDs 1965 ENG
Palms Alive Maranatha Music NO E31-A05.4 HPE MA FroCk 1983 ENG
Praise Band: Songbook 7 Maranatha Music Presents E31-A05.4 HPE MA HowRb 1997 ENG
Til Millions Know Mckinney Music, Inc. NO E31-A05.4 HPE MC PatBe 1983 ENG
Christmas Cantata Rejoice (A) Gospel Publishing House NO E31-A05.4 HPE ME EleMx 1972 ENG
Lift Up The Lord Paragon Music Corp./Cimanyd Music. 11 E31-A05.4 HPE PA CoaJn 1983 ENG
Sing the Mighty Power of God Paragon Music Corp. 10 E31-A05.4 HPE PA HayMk 1983 ENG
His Love … Reaching Paragon Associates, Inc. 9 E31-A05.4 HPE PA HufRn 1975 ENG
Rise and be Healed Paragon Music Corp. 10 E31-A05.4 HPE PA MerW9 1983 ENG
Risen to Reigon Phil Barfoot Music Company NO E31-A05.4 HPE PH BarPl 1983 ENG
Lytrics to Live By The Reader's Digest Association Inc. NO E31-A05.4 HPE RE AssRs 1975 ENG
How Great Thou Art Royal Tapestry INC. NO E31-A05.4 HPE RO ClyDd 1984 ENG
Chirstmas Tapestry Royal Tapestry INC. 19 E31-A05.4 HPE RO ClyDd 1984 ENG
Tapestry Collection Royal Tapestry INC. 23 E31-A05.4 HPE RO ClyDd 1985 ENG
Time to Sing (A) Sacred Songs 9 E31-A05.4 HPE SA SpuTw 1967 ENG
Crusade Favorites From around the World Scared Songs 13 E31-A05.4 HPE SC SonSd 1968 ENG
Bill Gaither's Sounds of Joy Volume 1 Singspiration Music of the Zondervan Corporation 10 E31-A05.4 HPE SI GaiBl 1967 ENG
Birthday of the King (The) Singspiration Inc. 10 E31-A05.4 HPE SI HabMn 1964 ENG
Favorite Choir Arrangements, volume 2 Singspiration Inc. 17 E31-A05.4 HPE SI HorCs 1973 ENG
Volunteer Choir Album Singspiration Inc. NO E31-A05.4 HPE SI HugR9 na ENG
Messiah by George Frederic handel, Abridged Edition Singspiration Inc. NO E31-A05.4 HPE SI JohNn 1961 ENG
Hosanna Singspiration Music of the Zondervan Corporation 11 E31-A05.4 HPE SI ParJe 1980 ENG
Love Transcending Singspiration Inc. NO E31-A05.4 HPE SI PetJn 1957 ENG
No Greater Love Singspiration Music of the Zondervan Corporation NO E31-A05.4 HPE SI PetJn 1958 ENG
Wonder of Chiristmas (The) Singspiration Inc. NO E31-A05.4 HPE SI PetJn 1963 ENG
Sound of Singing (The) Singspiration Inc. NO E31-A05.4 HPE SI PetJn 1964 ENG
Last Week (The); An Easter Cantata Singspiration Music of the Zondervan Corporation NO E31-A05.4 HPE SI PetJn 1974 ENG
Low Voice; Volume Four Singspiration Inc. 32 E31-A05.4 HPE SI Sin99 na ENG
Unforgettable "Hymns that are forever " Singspiration Inc. 12 E31-A05.4