聖經註釋系列叢書─電子版 [全文]
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (ZECNT) / Designed for the pastor and Bible…
Paideia Commentaries on the New Testament
Paideia commentaries explore how New Testament texts form Christian readers by: Attending to the ancient…
The Pillar New Testament Commentary
“The Pillar New Testament Commentary, designed for serious readers of the Bible,…
Brazos Theological Commentary
布拉索斯神學註釋叢書 ( Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible)專為服事教會而寫的,
New International Commentary
NICOT 和 NICNT「這兩套叢書的著作仍在不斷出版。所有原來的新約作品和部分舊約作品,將由原作者修訂,或者書其他作者的作品取代。
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament,「這套註釋叢書持守保派及福音派觀,
The New American Commentary
The New American Commentary 是由美南浸信會贊助的一套叢書,
The NIV Application Commentary
The NIV Application Commentary 本叢書中文譯名為《國際釋經應用系列》。
Word Biblical Commentary
Word Biblical Commentary,這套叢書註釋了兩約的所有書卷。它們在註釋較長的聖經書卷時,分成兩 (甚至三) 冊出版。
The Expositor’s Bible Commentary
The Expositor’s Bible Commentary 中文譯本參《種籽聖經註釋》(香港:種籽出版社,11981~)。這套叢包含了整部聖經的註釋,