
  1. Gift donations have been an important source of collection development at the Logos Evangelical Seminary Library since the beginning. The Library appreciates gifts of printed books, audio and video tapes and digitized research materials which have academic value and are in good physical condition.
  2. Gifts are accepted only if there are no conditions or restrictions placed by the donor. Gift to the library will be added to the collection only after the items have been evaluated to determine if they had met collection development requirements. The library reserves the right to dispose of gifts as it deems appropriate.
  3. The Library accepts no gift items that must be provided separate housing or shelving or given extraordinary treatment. The Library makes no agreement to the date of processing and assimilating the donated items into the Library collections but will complete these steps as practicable.
  4. It is the responsibility of the donor for the appraisal from an independent appraiser before the donation is made. After the donation is made, the Library cannot guarantee access to the donated items, and will not produce a list of the items given to the library.

      ※ Books article applies to books, periodicals, audio and video products, library furniture and related equipment.