La Puente Adult Day Health Care center

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17331 Valley Blvd, La Puente, CA 91744

La Puente Adult Day Health Care (ADHC) is a community-based program providing various medical, rehabilitative, therapeutic, and recreational activities and services for older and/or disabled adults. We seek a qualified social worker to fill a few open positions at the center.
大正日间保健中心 坐落于洛杉矶以东半小时车程的拉蓬特市 (City of La Puente),是周边城市中少数具有加州政府老龄部门颁发资质证书认证,拥有超过15年专业服务经验,并完全致力于服务华人社区的日间保健服务中心。

在該中心從事社工崗位的Rebekah是正道家庭事工2021屆的畢業生,發現中心的會員超過一半以上是基督徒,其中因為身體狀況、不會開車等原因周末不去教會的達70%以上。 Rebekah兼服事該中心的長青團契(是長者自發組建),每周二、四、五上午半個小時帶領長青團契的長輩們敬拜贊美、禱告、分享神的話語,每月末長青團契在中心的慶生會上獻唱讚美詩,也有非基督徒會員被優美的讚美詩歌打動而加入到這個團隊中,這里也是服事長者的禾場!目前她配搭有傳福音恩賜的長輩向未信主者傳福音,已有多位長輩信主而受洗,榮耀歸給神!

該中心可辦理OPT/H1b,有興趣的同學請將簡歷投至 或者致電616-581-1113,謝謝!

Social worker/ Social worker assistant

17331 Valley Blvd, La Puente, CA 91744


1. Complete monthly counseling, reassessment assessment, quarterly notes, discharge plans, meeting notes, home visits, and biopsychosocial assessments.
2. Interact with center participants on a daily basis, and assist with inquiries, such as SSI, Cal-fresh, senior housing, Medical, and Medicare benefits.
3. Intake Assessment (Center tour, documentation, eligibility check, and follow-up as needed.) Complete assessments, progress notes, flow sheets, and quarterly reports in a timely manner.
Other duties as assigned
Must be bilingual in Chinese (Mandarin and/or Cantonese)

Bachelor or Master (Required)- 心理學、老年學、輔導等社會學類相關專業,正道的家庭事工碩士專業均可
Day Shift (Required)
Mandarin (Required), Cantonese (preferred)
CPR (Required)

Ya Wang , Rebekah Wang

By Email 電郵

626-581-1113, 626-369-1113