2022 年終感謝代禱函



  1. 網絡教學的典範轉移。在疫情期間,我們繼續大力推動網絡教學的執行。除了實體的學生,還有許多網絡學生。感謝神,我們現在的網絡學生除了在北美,另外還有在亞洲、歐洲,最近甚至有從非洲的宣教士提出申請。教育是百年樹人的工作,神學教育更是直接關係到神永恆國度的事奉。網絡教學的轉型,除了教授們教學方法的調整外,還要進一步思考網絡學生的小組、關懷、及實習等等相關學習環境的安排。請大家為我們代禱。
  2. 國度夥伴的建立。今年透過Lilly Endowment的邀請,我們參與的Compelling Preaching的計畫。感謝神,我們所提出來的計畫書,不但在第一期被接受之外,也拿到第二期的專款補助。正道將設立事工中心,針對後現代、後疫情的世代的需要。我們正在進一步的規劃,並徵召同工對下一代事工有異象、有負擔的傳道同工,請代禱。
  3. 最後要報告的是,我們所敬愛的林國亮牧師 /院長將於今年底退休。感謝神,過去七年神藉著林院長的帶領,推動了好幾項重大事工。當中包括家庭事工碩士班和宣教碩士班的成立、及網絡教學平臺Populi的引進,等等。因此,學校決定,在林院長退休後,將授予家庭事工榮譽教授一職;並且林牧師將以兼職方式繼續協助教課。此外,為表彰林國亮教授對全球華人教會家庭事工的重大貢獻,本院特設立【林國亮家庭事工教席基金】,敬邀您代禱並共襄盛舉。

聖經告訴我們說:「(神)祢以恩典為年歲的冠冕,祢的路徑都滴下脂油」(詩篇65:11)。 數算恩典的同時,願神祝福大家健康、平安、喜樂。再次的為大家的代檮及奉獻感恩!聖經教導我們一個重要的事奉原則:「上陣的得多少,看守器具的也得多少,應當大家平分」(撒上 30:24)。讓我們一起來,「為主圖謀大事、搶救百萬靈魂」!在國度的事工上,我們一起禱告、一起事奉、一起經歷神!藉著更多、更好的投入,我們一起預備好,迎接基督的再來來!


主僕 黃成培 牧師 敬上

Dear Prayer Warriors: Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

After almost three years of impacts from the Covid pandemics, our world is facing a “new normal.” At Logos Seminary, we are also facing challenges in student recruitment. The Bible tells us, “In all things, God works for those who love Him” (Romans 8:28). Our Logos Team is learning how to depend on God more and change this crisis to opportunities for us to grow further. In this newsletter, we would like to share with you some important updates of our Seminary.

  1. Paradigm Shift of Online Education. During the Covid pandemics, we continue to strengthen the implementation of our online education. Now, in addition to on-site students, we have many online students who are living in North America, Asia, and Europe. Recently some Chinese missionaries are applying for our school. Indeed, online education has become a main platform for Logos to equip global church leaders. Praise the Lord!
  2. Kingdom Partnership with the Lilly Endowment. This year we were invited by the Lilly Endowment to apply for the “Compelling Preaching Initiative.” In addition to the approval of phase 1, we have received the approval of phase 2 and its grant. To implement further, Logos will launch the “Center for Compelling Preaching.” As our world is shifting towards postmodernism, our main purpose is to strengthen this and the next generations and equipping church leaders with better teaching and preaching knowledge and skills.
  3. Last but not least, our former president Rev. Kuo-Liang Lin will retire at the end of this year. During Rev. Lin’s presidency, he launched several important projects. Examples of these projects include the master’s degree program of Family Ministry, the master’s degree program of Inter-Cultural Study, the introduction of Populi system for online education, etc. To recognize his significant contributions at Logos, our Seminary has decided to honor him as our “Professor Emeritus of Family Ministry.” In honoring Professor Lin’s tremendous contributions to the family ministries of global Chinese churches, Logos has established the “Kuo-Liang Lin Endowment Fund for Family Ministry.” We deeply covet your continuous prayers and support for this Endowment Fund.

Once again, we deeply appreciate your faithful prayers and valuable support for Logos Evangelical Seminary. Through your prayerful and financial supports, you make our ministries possible. The Bible teaches us one important principle:

“The share of the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to the battle. All will share alike.” (1 Sam. 30:24, NIV)

May the Lord continue blessing your family and using you in His amazing ways!