正道福音神學院遵照台福基督教會總會的信念,相信性愛聯合只存在一男一女的婚姻中(男女的定義是按照出生時的性別),婚前守貞、婚後忠於配偶。我們的立場是: 性行為在這些情況下– 包括婚前、婚外、同性之間, 都是不合乎聖經的。這樣的準則適用於正道的(全職、部分時間、網路)學生、老師(全職和兼任)以及全院(全職和部分時間)同工。
Statement on Marriage
Following Evangelical Formosan Church General Assembly’s statement of faith on marriage, Logos Evangelical Seminary believes that sexual union must be reserved for marriage, which is the covenant union between one man and one woman (the definition for male and female is based on biological gender), and that sexual abstinence is required for the unmarried. We believe premarital, extramarital, and homosexual forms of explicit sexual conduct are inconsistent with the teachings of Scripture. Consequently, the seminary expects all members of its community (full time and part time students, online students, faculty, administrators and staff) to abstain from any unbiblical sexual practices.