Harassment Prevention Training – Year 2023


Last Update: 6/21/2023

[ For Illinois State Employees ]

If you are an Illinois State  employee, please download your training material (PDF) here  or/and training video here.

訓練完成後,請完成最後一頁的 Completion Certificate, 填寫姓名,簽字與註明日期後提交給  HR Office for filing.

[ For   California   State  Employees ]

訓練入口網頁:Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Website

Overview – all Logos’ California State employees need to take either a two-hour training (for supervisory employees and faculty) or one-hour training (for non-supervisory employees and student workers) once every two years.   訓練完成後,請完成 Completion Certificate, 提交給  HR Office for filing.