美加神學院協會執行總監艾利夏博士 (Daniel O. Aleshire) 在 2015 年 5 月號 “信仰與領導” (Faith and Leadership) 雜誌的專訪中指出, 雖然美加地區的神學院註冊總人數在過去幾年有逐年下降的趨勢, 然而在某些方面仍有異軍突起的現象, 其中一個就是亞裔神學院的興起。艾利夏博士進一步分析, “這些服事亞洲移民的新興神學院, 不是由移民帶來原屬教派的神學院, 就是在北美成立新的教派, 而後成立神學院訓練自己的傳道人。位於南加州的正道福音神學院是其中最具規模的神學院, 由台福總會所創設的神學院。”
“There is one more I’ll mention briefly, and that is the emergence of theological education for immigrant groups. ATS now has more seminaries that are primarily Asian-serving than it has historically black theological schools.
These Asian-serving schools are new kinds of educational environments, where the immigrants either brought a denomination with them or formed a denomination once they got to North America and then founded a seminary for the education of their pastors, and for all the reasons that other seminaries have been founded.
The most established one would be LOGOS Evangelical Seminary in southern California, which is a seminary related to the Evangelical Formosan Church.“
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