The Advancement Department provides a number of design services for the purpose of promoting the Seminary’s ministries. To start a design project, all project initiators will complete the Project Request Form below.
One project request per job, please. In order to facilitate the timely completion of projects, project initiators are encouraged to provide as much detail and project context as possible, as well as relevant materials. IMPORTANT: Email, phone, and verbal requests will not be considered unless a project request form has been submitted in full.
The completed project request form will be reviewed by the Advancement Director/Associate Director. Projects will start upon their confirmation. Please allow 1 business day for this process. Thank you!
拓展處提供多項設計服務,幫助推動學院的事工。若需拓展處協助,請務必填寫下面的平面和網頁設計申請表。每個項目需填寫一份申請表。填寫此表格時請盡可能提 供詳細資料和有關文字及圖檔,讓您需要的設計項目能順利如期完成。 重要:若您需要拓展處協助設計項目,必須提交此申請表。電子郵件、電話和口頭要求均不會接納為正式申請。此申請表將直接寄給拓展處主管,經核定後會指派相關人員處理。核定 過程需時約一個工作天。感謝!
Click here for Design & Production Time Information. 點 擊此處瀏覽設計與製作時間.