劉仁欽 牧師 Rev. Samuel Liu, D.Min

學務長 Dean of Students


正道福音神學院 教牧博士 D.Min, Logos Evangelical Seminary
美國國際神學院 神學碩士 Th.M, International Theological Seminary


華語、台語、英語 Mandarin, Taiwanese, English


劉牧師生於臺灣、台南.已婚、育有二子. 皆已長大獨立;師母闕淑麗則曾於北美中華福音及臺灣正道福音神學院教務處事奉多年. 劉牧師1976年高中畢業後,即蒙召入台南神學院社會服務系就讀,畢業後在台南YMCA事奉多年,負責帶領社團、舉辦營會及各項社區服務活動. 1986年入臺灣中華福音神學院進修獲聖經碩士學位(M.A.R.), 1990年再赴美國台福神學院及國院際神學院進修,獲道學碩士(M.Div.)及神學碩士學位(Th.M.), 2008年獲正道福音神學院教牧博士(D.Min.).


在美期間曾任雙城及平安台福教會主任牧師、美國家庭更新協會輔導/訓練主任、加州聖迦谷羅省基督教會國語堂牧師及傳愛關懷中心主任,  2014年回台灣正道福音神學院任學務長、副院長及實踐神學助理教授.現任正道福音神學院學務長。


Rev. Liu was born in Tainan Taiwan, is married and has two grown up sons. His wife Joyce served in the North American China Evangelical Seminary and Logos Evangelical Seminary in Taiwan Academic Affairs Office for many years. After graduating from high school in 1976, Pastor Liu went to study social services at the Tainan Theological Seminary. After graduation, he served in the Tainan YMCA for many years, leading the community, holding camps and various community service activities. In 1986, he entered China Chinese Evangelical Seminary and received a Master’s degree in Bible (MAR). In 1990, he went to Logos Evangelical Seminary then International Theology Seminary and obtained a Master of Divinity (M.Div.) and a Master of Theology (Th.M). In 2008, he earned the doctor of ministry from Logos Evangelical Seminary.

Pastor Liu specializes in family and marriage counseling and training. He has received several professional trainings from the International Lifeline Association, Clinical Pastoral Care Association (CPE), Hospice Care, Haggai Institute and Asian YMCA Leadership training, Post-Disaster Stress Counseling (CISM) while is a certified national marriage counselor in China.

During his stay in the United States, he served as Senior Pastor of the Minnesota and Peace EFC Church, Director of Counseling/Training of the Chinese Family for Christ, Pastor of the FEC-SGV Church, and Director of the Agape Caring Center. In 2014, he returned to Taiwan and served as the Vice President, Dean of Students and Assistant Professor of Logos Evangelical Seminary. He is currently the Dean of Students of Logos Evangelical Seminary.


作者:劉仁欽 牧師


作者:劉仁欽 牧師 

劉仁欽牧師: 領受使命向前行 – 同心 「撒網」 和 「補網」 (視頻)

2023/02/08 週三崇拜

劉仁欽牧師: 進到水深處 (視頻)

2022/10/05 週三崇拜


今年六月初,筆者有機會受義大利Logos復興神學院邀請, 至該院教導「教牧關懷與輔導」課程。

劉仁欽牧師: 把最好的獻給主 (視頻)

2021/12/08 週三崇拜


當新冠肺炎疫情蔓延全球時, 許多地區都採取” 封城” 的措施, 住在美國洛杉磯的我們, 也同樣被:”Safer at home” 的禁足令限制在家。 在這樣嚴峻的環境中, 神的兒女當如何來經歷神、走出困境呢? 羅馬書12:12提供我們三個走出困境的秘訣–


我預備好讀神學了嗎? 劉仁欽牧師 / 學務長 作一個即將委身進入神學院受裝備的人,事前的預備是非常重要的。就好 […]


過去 20 多年期間,筆者因接 觸不少癌症、臨終的個案,也主 理過許多場追思禮拜,因此慢慢 積累了一些實務經驗,並成立教會的傳愛關懷中心



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