An endowment chair partner is an individual or family partner who gives to the Logos Foundation towards a specific program or professorship at the seminary.
- Distinguished faculty members
- Support Logos’ mission
- Recognized for key contributions
- Supported by investment earnings
How can they help the seminary?
- Attract and retain quality faculty
- Provide long-term and emergency support
- Meet seminary’s future needs
- Add to seminary’s investment funds
In 2011, Logos set up its first Endowed Chair fund: Logos Endowment Chair 2011, Felix Liu Professor of Spiritual Formation. This Fund was established by both Logos Evangelical Seminary and Logos Evangelical Seminary Foundation Board of Directors in honoring the invaluable dedication and contribution of President Reverend Doctor Felix Liu to the seminary on his 70th birthday to further develop spiritual formation in theological education. This fund is intended to support one distinguished faculty for teaching and research in the field of spiritual formation at Logos Evangelical Seminary, promoting spiritual formation through annual conferences and seminars, and disbursing scholarships for students of excellence who are pursuing the same emphasis.