Taste of Logos

Taste of Logos. Thank you for your interest in Logos Evangelical Seminary. You can schedule a date to visit of our Los Angeles campus, to see the chapel, library, classroom, and dormitory. Please call to schedule an appointment with our school staff. We can’t wait to show you the school.

  • Location: Logos Evangelical Seminary, Los Angeles Campus
  • Contact: Qi Zhao
  • Telephone: (626) 571-5110 ext. 157
  • Email:ilovelogos@les.edu

If you are interested in participating in Taste of Logos Program, please complete the form below.

Taste of Logos Online Application 體驗正道網上申請表

"*" indicates required fields

個人資訊 Personal Information

English Name*

請只填寫數字 Please put number only.

目標計劃 Interested Program

教育背景 Highest Education*
選擇您計劃進修的學位/ Choose the following degree programs*
可複選 Can pick more than one.

預約免費旁聽一堂課(2個小時40分鐘) Sit In a Class Session?

週一至週四 (上午9點 – 下午4點 ) Monday to Thursday (9am-4pm)
MM slash DD slash YYYY

如何得知正道?How did you hear about us?*
可複選 Can pick more than one.

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