The Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies program is designed to equip students in Christian leadership to serve in global missions with a vision and to work effectively with other cultures through learning to better understand and appreciate them.
Upon completion of the M.A.I.C.S. program, students will be able to demonstrate the following:
- Biblically Informed Practices: The Foundation of Missional Leadership || Graduates will integrate theology and practice to develop informed responses to needs and challenges encountered in their ministries in a cross-cultural context.
- Spiritual Formation: The Heart of Missional Leadership || Graduates will cultivate a lifelong learner’s attitude that nurtures personal and spiritual vitality and maturity.
- Missional Church: The Goal of Missional Leadership || Graduates will develop plans for their church’s missional participation in cross-cultural contexts.
- Leadership Development: The Implementation of Missional Leadership || Graduates will demonstrate familiarity with the diversity of theories and practices in leadership and management, and apply selected ministry tools.
- Global Diversity: The Perspective of Missional Leadership || Graduates will articulate a global perspective with respect to their professional training.
Admission Requirements
- A bachelor’s or higher degree from an accredited four-year university or seminary with a GPA of 2.67 (B- or 80%) or above.
- Converted and baptized for at least two years.
- A demonstration of personal and spiritual maturity, with two recommendations from church pastors or leaders.
- The ability to understand Mandarin. (An interview will be given to assess listening comprehension)
- Proof of English proficiency is required. A minimum TOEFL score of 470 / 52 (TOEFL iBT) is required. (Applicants with a bachelor’s or higher degree from English-speaking schools are exempt from this requirement.)
Program Requirements
Students are required to complete 58 units of coursework. This includes 50 units of core courses, and 8 units of ICS elective courses.
Duration and Location
The program must be completed between 2 to 7 years. Students may petition for an extension on a case-by-case basis.
Core Courses
1. Biblical Studies (15 units)
| | |
TSS500 | 釋經學 / Hermeneutics | (3) |
NTS501 | 新約綜覽 I / NT Survey I | (3) |
NTS502 | 新約綜覽 II / NT Survey II | (3) |
| | |
*以下課程四選二 | Choose any of 2 from below | |
OTS542 | 摩西五經 / The Pentateuch | (3) |
OTS528 | 歷史書研究 / Historical Literature | (3) |
OTS554 | 詩歌智慧書 / Poetic Books and Wisdom Literature | (3) |
OTS559 | 先知書研究 / Prophetic Literature | (3) |
| | |
2. Theological & History Studies (12 units)
| | |
TSS504 | 圖書資訊研究法 / Library Information Research Method | (1) |
TSS510 | 神學綜覽 / Theology Overview | (3) |
TSS536 | 聖靈,成聖 與門訓/Pneumatology, Sanctification and Discipleship | (3) |
TSS538 | 教會論 / Ecclesiology | (2) |
TSS510 | 教會歷史 / Church History | (3) |
3. Practical Theology (11 units)
| | |
PTS519 | 靈命塑造與操練 / Spiritual Formation & Practicum | (3) |
MCS528 | 救恩與佈道法 / Soteriology Evangelism | (3) |
PCS578 | 聖經與家庭 / Bible and Family | (3) |
PCS531 | 教牧協談 I / Pastoral Counseling I | (2) |
4. Intercultural Studies (12 units)
| | |
MCS521 | 宣教學概論 / Introduction to Missiology | (3) |
PCS535 | 事工策略領導 / Strategic Ministry Leadership | (3) |
ICS561 | 宣教的生態系統 / Mission‘s Ecosystem | (3) |
ICS550 | 宣教實習導引 / Mission Practicum Orientation | (2) |
ICS551 | 宣教實習教育 / Mission Practicum | (0) |
ICS581 | Mission Capstone Project | (1) |
Elective Courses
1. Intercultural Studies Elective (8 units)
| | |
ICS520 | 宣教歷史 / Missions History | (3) |
ICS530 | 城市事工 / Urban Ministry | (3) |
ICS541 | 宣教士的靈命與實務 / Life of a Missionary | (3) |
ICS545 | 道成肉身化的門徒訓練 / Incarnational Discipleship | (2) |
ICS544 | 文化人類學 / Cultural Anthropology | (2) |
ICS563 | 雙職宣教 / Bi-vocational Mission | (2) |
Two-year Curriculum Schedule
First Semester
Second Semester
1st year |
Hermeneutics |
(3) |
Spiritual Formation & Practicum |
(3) |
NT Survey I |
(3) |
NT Survey II/ Single Book Study |
(3) |
Church History |
(3) |
Bible and Family |
(3) |
Mission’s Ecosystem |
(3) |
Theology Overview |
(3) |
Library Info Research Methods |
(1) |
Introduction to Missiology |
(3) |
13 |
15 |
summer |
Mission Practicum Orientation |
(2) |
Mission Practicum |
(0) |
2nd year |
The Pentateuch/Prophets |
(3) |
Historical Literature/Psalms and Wisdom Literature |
(3) |
Ecclesiology |
(2) |
Pneumotology, Sancitification and Discipleship |
(3) |
Pastoral Counseling I |
(2) |
ICS Elective |
(3) |
Soteriology &Evangelism |
(3) |
ICS Elective |
(3) |
Strategic Ministry Leadership |
(3) |
ICS Elective |
(2) |
Mission Capstone Project |
(1) |
13 |
15 |
Church Life
Students are required, with the exception of the first semester, to participate in local church activities.
Transfer Students
- All transfer students from other accredited seminaries must have a GPA of at least 3.0 (B or 83.5%), and complete an application in accordance with the Scholastic Regulations.
- For all other transfer situations, please refer to “Transfer of Credits” in the Scholastic Regulations.
Graduation Requirements
- Complete 64 semester units of coursework with a GPA of at least 2.0 (C or 75%).
- Attend the seminary retreat at least once during the program.
- Obtain academic clearance.
- Students who have 3 or less credit units remaining to complete the degree program may still attend the commencement. Such students must show proof of registration for the remaining units in the following summer term.