I. General Guidelines
1. This council is named the Logos Evangelical Seminary Student Council (referred to as “the Council” below).
2. The purpose of the Council is to advocate the spirit of self-discipline and self-governance among students, to enhance fellowship and care among students, to create a communication channel between seminary and students, and to promote seminary assignments.
3. The office is located at the main campus of Logos Evangelical Seminary.
II. Membership
4. Those who are studying full-time at Logos in the D.Min., M.Div., M.A.C.S., or Th.M. programs become full members of the Council automatically. Part-time students may apply for associate membership through the Office of Student Affairs but with no voting rights.
5. The rights and responsibilities of membership:
1) Members have the rights and responsibilities of attending the assembly meetings and participating in the various ministries promoted by the Council.
2) Members have the rights of election, being elected, and deposition of coworkers.
3) Members shall pay the membership fee. The amount of membership fee is to be proposed by the coworker team and decided at the assembly meeting.
4) If a student has completed a degree program and begins another degree program (e.g. Th.M. or D.Min.), they will need to pay the membership fee again. Those who did not go through the graduation process but transfer to another degree program will be exempt from paying the membership fee again.
III. Structure and Meetings
A. Member Assembly
6. The assembly is composed according to the Bylaws Article 2 Section 4 and is the highest decision-making body.
7. The assembly shall be held at least once a semester and be presided over by the Chairperson.
8. Special assemblies may be called by the coworker team or at the written request of one-third of the members.
9. The quorum required for the assembly is half of the number of the members. The assembly is established only if attendance reaches half of the members.
10. Any action taken or decision made is approved only by at least majority of the attending members at the assembly.
11. If necessary, the Chairperson may invite faculty or faculty representatives to observe the assembly.
B. Coworker Team
12. The number of Council coworkers is seven in all and includes positions in the following areas: secretary, caring, activity, finance, general affairs, and worship. The vice chairperson shall take on one of the jobs listed. The assembly shall elect an auditor from the members.
13. Members who have not completed one semester at the seminary have voting rights but shall not be elected. (The Dormitory Council coworker election will be held after the Logos Student Council coworker election.)
14. Coworker Election Procedure:
1) Election is held at the winter assembly after the last chapel service in the fall semester.
2) Candidates are full members of the Council.
3) Election is by anonymous votes.
4) Election process
a. First, elect the seven coworkers.
b. Then, elect the chairperson and vice chairperson out of the seven coworkers.
c. Other coworker positions will be assigned among the coworkers and announced later.
5) If in the first round of voting there is no one who has received more than half of the votes, vote again between the ones who have highest and second highest votes.
6) If two have the same votes, then the assembly shall conduct the election again.
7) The current chairperson shall not be re-elected for chairperson.
15. Coworker Deposition Process
Deposition may be proposed by written request of one-third of the members and approved at the special assembly with votes of two-thirds of the attending members.
16. The Duties of the Coworker Team
1) Carry out decisions made at the assembly.
2) Take responsibility for council affairs when the assembly is not being held.
3) If necessary, propose the revision of bylaws according to Bylaw Article 4 Section 21.
17. Job duties of each coworker
(A)Represent the Council to external parties
(B)Preside the member assembly and coworker meeting
(C)Attend and coordinate various ministries
(D)Promote and coordinate various ministries
(2)Vice Chairperson
(A)Assist chairperson to promote the Council affairs
(B)If the chairperson cannot perform his or her duties for any reason, act on behalf of the chairperson
(C)Assist and support other coworkers
(A)Collect and organize meeting minutes and related documents
(B)Communicate activity announcements
(C)Provide information for the seminary newsletter
(A)Responsible for accounts payable to and receivable of the Council (the Council funds are kept in the Office of Student Affairs)
(B)Make the list of account activities available for the public
(C)Provide a budget of expenses and updated balance
(A)Plan regular social events
(B)Assist in coordination of seminary events
(A)Care for student life needs
(B)Care for small group operations
(C)Assist new student reception
(7)General Affairs
(A)Purchase supplies for Council events
(B)Coordinate resources and decorate facilities for Council events
(C)Other duties related to general affairs
(A)Arrange praise and worship for the Council’s regular events
(B)Arrange praise and worship for the Council’s special events
18. Coworker Team
1) Meet at least once a month
2) Invite faculty or faculty representative to the meeting if necessary
3) Regular meeting is valid only if two-thirds of coworkers are present
4) Agenda items shall be approved by two-thirds of the coworkers
IV. Supplementary Articles
19. These bylaws are to be approved by the member assembly and forwarded to the seminary before taking effect.
20. Any revision of these bylaws may be proposed by the Coworker Team or written request by one-third of the members and approval by two-thirds.
21. If there are any questions in regards to these bylaws, the Council Coworker Team will interpret them.