Rev. Richard Cook, Ph.D.
Highest Education:
Area of Research:
Teaching Courses:
Conference / Workshop Topic:
Missions Conferences, Evangelistic Meetings, Chinese Church History, Global Christianity, Christian Discipleship (From the Sermon on the Mount, Mt 5-7), the Gospel of John, Acts.
Brain Circulation: The Case for Bringing Chinese Seminarians to the US,
Social Boundaries: Establishment, Rites of Initiation and Dealing with ‘Nominal’ Christianity,
In 1492, Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue… If you found a new world, what would you do?
Overcoming Missions Guilt: Robert Morrison, Liang Fa and the Opium Wars
The Voice of Independent Chinese Christians in the Nationalist Discourse of the Republican Period
Publications (Books and Articles) :
2022 | "為神拓疆的工匠 ──23位貫穿教會歷史的精品人物 Expanding the Boundaries: 23 People Who Built the Christian Church" 天道書樓 2022 |
2021 | "Darkest before the Dawn: A Brief History of The Rise of Christianity In China." Pickwick Publications, 2021. |
2014 | Cook, Richard, R. “Wang Mingdao and His Theology of Spirituality,” in Chloe Sun and Ekron Chen, eds. Speaking of the Spirit: Essays Commemorating Logos Evangelical Seminary 25th Anniversary. Kowloon: Tien Dao Publishing House, 2014. |
2011 | Cook, Richard R. and David W. Pao, eds. "After Imperialism: Christian Identity in China and the Global South". Pickwick Publications, 2011. |
2011 | “Overcoming Missions Guilt: Robert Morrison, Liang Fa and the Opium Wars,” in Richard R. Cook and David W. Pao, eds. After Imperialism: Christian Identity in China and the Global South. Pickwick Publications, 2011. |
2008 | “The Noble Vocation of the Missions Historian: An Appeal to Young Seminarians and Future Scholars,” CGST Journal, No.45, July 2008; pp.73-89. |
2008 | “The Great Commission in Asia.” Martin I. Klauber and Scott M. Manetsch, eds. The Great Commission: Evangelicals and the History of World Missions. Nashville: B&H Publishing, 2008. Pp.149-163. |
2007 | “Fundamentalism and mission,” in Jonathan J. Bonk, ed. Encyclopedia of Missions and Missionaries. New York: Routledge, 2007. |
2007 | “Wang Mingdao and the Evolution of Contextualized Chinese Churches,” in Peter Chen-Main Wang, ed. Contextualization of Christianity in China: An Evaluation in Modern Perspective. Sankt Augustin: Institut Monumenta Serica, 2007. |
2005 | “Behind China’s Closed Doors: Newly Confident House Churches Open Themselves up to World,” Christianity Today, Vol. 49/No.2, February 2005; pp.70-73. |
1995 | “Windows of Opportunity in China,” Evangelical Missions Quarterly, Vol.31/No.1, January 1995; pp.22-30. |
1992 | “Awakening and Taiwan: Instruction from History on Revitalizing the Church,” Taiwan Mission Quarterly, Vol. 2/No.1, July 1992; pp. 13-18. |